Come to SERBIA!!!!

lol its like an arguement to see whose the better polar bear. i dont understand why colds a big issue, id be more worried about language and finding work/school in a country where i dont speak the mother tongue. speaking of cold though ive had to thaw and de-ice my door and dig a path many a winter before going to school. sometimes you just can't thaw the door soon enough and can't get it open so my mother (when i was a kid) would have to call the school and tell them we were frozen in for the morning. fun times :P
Just because he hasn't been there does not mean the area he is in can't get that cold or at least close to it.
Just because he hasn't been there does not mean the area he is in can't get that cold or at least close to it.

I live next to him :lol: it can't get as cold as Scandinavia :lol: I even live on the mountain area and it doesn't get as cold as in Sweden :lol:
When I was a kid living in a country warmer than Croatia in a shopping centre I would dip myself over the edge of the large freezer and breathe the cold air. -10¤ air is a sensation to breathe, but -25¤ is difficult to breathe cos you need to take the air in in such little amounts you barely get enough oxygen. It's better than dusty, polluted and dry +40¤ air however.
I would love the cold weather if it wasn't for all the snow and ice that would make it hard to do just about anything.
i dont mind the snow, but i hate the ice, i always manage to slip on it when im drunk and break something. for 6 months of the year i have to be afraid i'm gonna break something again. it also sucks if you work or go to school in the winter cause you leave at 8-9 am and its pitch black outside, you come home between 3-5 and its pitch black. you only get to be outside in the sun hours on the weekends if you're lucky, so sometimes you get depressed and a little crazy
When I was a kid living in a country warmer than Croatia in a shopping centre I would dip myself over the edge of the large freezer and breathe the cold air. -10¤ air is a sensation to breathe, but -25¤ is difficult to breathe cos you need to take the air in in such little amounts you barely get enough oxygen. It's better than dusty, polluted and dry +40¤ air however.

Can't say I don't love the feeling of the inside of my nose freezing when the -30C winter strikes. :D
but -25¤ is difficult to breathe cos you need to take the air in in such little amounts you barely get enough oxygen.
Try breathing in -30 celsius when you have asthma. Everyday I starting to walk two kilometres to school feels the same as climbing on the top of Microteknia and preparing to jump.
Reading all this, you almost make me guilty for thinking -5 celcius is already way to cold.

Give me 20 to 27 celcius and I'm fine
Reading all this, you almost make me guilty for thinking -5 celcius is already way to cold.
Haha, everybody says that. To be honest, sometimes I think that -20 celsius is warm as hell. But now it's been something around +1 celsius in where I live and because of wind I am nearly hoping for calm weather with -20 celsius.
-5 c is t shirt weather :P its actually -5 (-10 with windchill) right now and the snows going away and everyones out in their sneakers and shirts. I swear I've even been bitten by a mosquito already and I don't know how its possible they are alive already. I'm sure the snow will be back this week, we usually dont see the last of it until may
Not convinced? Well, can't rlly say that your oppinion matters much to me...

Prove it, post a video of you taking a 5min bath in freezing water topped with ice rocks. And hold a tempometer in the water so you can't fake. Any wuss can do that. If you refuse you're a boring forum personality. :Smokedev:
LOL maybe that should be the immigration test for people moving to finland or any colder country. You want to live in finland/sweden/norway/northern canada/russia? sit in this ice bath for 5 minutes without whining.
Not convinced? Well, can't rlly say that your oppinion matters much to me...
It's not that I'm not conviced :lol: it's hilarious to me "ooh look at me I am viking, I don't fear cold even tho I've never experienced real coldness in my life" :lol: really dude? :lol::lol: What you get in Croatia can't compare to the winter in Scandinavia and I know it, because the temperature ain't so different from where I live at :lol: I live right next to you so you really can't call that winter or cold at all :lol: You will understand one day tho :lol:
All I know is the universe is generally a pretty cold place and in here you really understand coldness is just lack of energy, altough fresh and sometimes in pretty appearance. These cousins of ours also like snow, but only because events of evolution like coastal shifts stranded them in there and all they do is bathe in hot water. Same reason some unfortunate creatures ended up living in deserts with no fucking clue the world elsewhere is full of water and forests to eat. Then again there's also people like the inuiti or beduins who live in extreme climates just out of habit. Then we have guys who deliberately are willing to move to an extreme climate with dubious motives.

I've seen monkeys having more fun in the warmth of the jungle. So the only excuse is winter sports.
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dubious motives? sounds so..suspicious. i just picture like..russian spys or something. this thread just is confusing me now, now there are japanese monkeys that like hot springs involved. ive seen that documentary before tho, only the privalaged monkies in the society are allowed in the hot springs lol. I think anyone can adjust to the hot or cold climate of a new country, humans are built to be adaptive, its the difference in culture/language and school and work you should worry about.
Quebec is sooo great. These times of the year, it's snowing, then raining, then snowing then raining. Then, BAM. A depression hits and it's suddenly -20 degrees Celsius. The day after, it's 5 degrees Celsius outside. I'd prefer a stable -10 degrees outside, which is a really comfortable temperature.