Come up with witty taglines


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
As some of you know I'm working on a new, database-driven and redesigned version of the Royal Carnage site. A silly feature I decided to add is a short script that changes the title of the page with each reload, so the title bar will show "Royal Carnage - Random Quote" every time you access the page. I need your help to come up with stupid/witty/insightful/funny taglines to add to the list. I already have "Sold!", "CSCRROE", "Five stars." and some others, so list RC related funnies please (or just random stuff that you think suits RC, we have the "Cattle die, kinsmen die" bit too)
Ass Fuckers
Royal Cunts
We Are my pals, So Are You
Bunch of Vunts
We Like Bukakke
Best. Website. Ever.

And anything from the RC Dictionary would probably work. I like this idea btw, has been doing it for years.
I like this. I know NAD will go ga ga for it.

Here's some:

smelly vunt
dirty hindu/jew/etc (no, better leave this one out me thinks) :loco:

We really need to reference that RC dictionary thread...
NicodemiX said:
Earthquakes are metal, every time I feel one out here I start headbanging uncontrollably and moshing with my furniture.

Hahaha. Actually, it would be cool to throw up random RC quotes somewhere once in a while. We have several famous quotes.
If I stay up until 3am again tonight I'll dig up some more gems. :D

Ooh and maybe for long quotes big block letters on the frontpage, flashing pink. Something to that effect.
On second thoughts, 90% of our forum quotes are not for the general public. I think collectively we've managed to offend everyone at some point, including some members of the animal kingdom.
As opposed to this private forum that only registered users passing a rigid screening test can access, right? :loco:

We are as equal rights as it gets: we hate everyone.
One Inch Man said:
As opposed to this private forum that only registered users passing a rigid screening test can access, right? :loco:
Haha, we should have a warning message on the 'zine link to this fourm then..."warning: the content you are about to see will likely offend..." etc.

We are as equal rights as it gets: we hate everyone.
Especially nu-NAD. Where is that gook anyway? ;)
I'm still confused about who that dude is, but at least I don't think it's me dealing with multiple personalities anymore. o_O
Just as fun as SOT...Without the idiots
RC- We're no longer a Cola
We're not your daddy's messageboard
RC- Home of the One Inch Man
We drop it like it's cold and grim