Comic Book Dorks Unite!

That was Paul Smith, a very underrated artist who got overly cartoony later in his career.

Paul Smith never got too cartoony, he just drew books like Leave It To Chance, which skewed slightly younger. He always drew with a simple line for maximum effect....he's an amazing artist.
My favorite Art Adams work was when he did the Gumby Summer (and Winter) Specials years about a guy who could draw in a cartoony style. Hell, his work has a nice cartoony edge in the Ultimate X stuff he's drawing now. Definitely one of the great comics artists.
So I did it today, I went into our local comic store for the first time ever. For my 7 year old daughter, I bought a Kung Fu Panda comic book, for my 9 year old a Spongebob Squarepants comic, and for myself I got "Moon Knight" (Marvel). It was issue 1, so it looks like something in a cycle that just started, and I won't have to read a dozen back issues to figure out what's going on. I had never heard of it and have no idea if it's supposed to be any good or not!

Welcome me to your comic book culture :-)

So I did it today, I went into our local comic store for the first time ever. For my 7 year old daughter, I bought a Kung Fu Panda comic book, for my 9 year old a Spongebob Squarepants comic, and for myself I got "Moon Knight" (Marvel). It was issue 1, so it looks like something in a cycle that just started, and I won't have to read a dozen back issues to figure out what's going on. I had never heard of it and have no idea if it's supposed to be any good or not!

Welcome me to your comic book culture :-)


Welcome to dorkdom. We should get a D&D game going next!
That's right! Forgot about that one. I LOVED that. His rendering of Wolverine was so cool. Their big popeye arms and all:) His rendering of hair was awesome too. Any others come to mind?

Back when I was a serious collector I tried to get every issue Adams drew. I remember a Web of Spider Man Annual, another X-Men Annual or two and an Excalibur Special.

Lately I'm much more into artists like Bryan Hitch, Frank Quitely and Alex Maleev.
So I did it today, I went into our local comic store for the first time ever. For my 7 year old daughter, I bought a Kung Fu Panda comic book, for my 9 year old a Spongebob Squarepants comic, and for myself I got "Moon Knight" (Marvel). It was issue 1, so it looks like something in a cycle that just started, and I won't have to read a dozen back issues to figure out what's going on. I had never heard of it and have no idea if it's supposed to be any good or not!

Welcome me to your comic book culture :-)


Ken...Moon Knight is a great character. Only bad thing is this new series has a horrible should check out stuff like Agents of Atlas, Thunderbolts or even Irredeamable from Boom studios.....great stuff.
I picked up "500 Essential Graphic Novels" from B&N's bargain bin. From a brief perusal, it looks like it has a good variety that it covers. For those looking beyond superhero comics, I think it is a good starting point for looking for stuff you might like.
Welcome to dorkdom. We should get a D&D game going next!

And then miniature gaming!!


Soon.. soon he will be ours.
I decided to try comic books because I already have all the other symptoms of this condition. I do enjoy roleplaying games, I read sf and fantasy, I like Star Trek, I watch anime, and I have seen all the episodes of Firefly. The comics were just the last missing piece between me and my people! :)


Cooljeans, welcome to another level of sickness then:) Have yet to see Firefly.
I decided to try comic books because I already have all the other symptoms of this condition. I do enjoy roleplaying games, I read sf and fantasy, I like Star Trek, I watch anime, and I have seen all the episodes of Firefly. The comics were just the last missing piece between me and my people! :)


Ken, while I don't know you too well, from what I do know of you, I think that you would enjoy the Alan Moore works, such as V For Vendetta or Watchmen.
I would imagine that in the comic book world, this question in like Star Trek vs Star Wars, but ...

Do you prefer Marvel or D.C. Comics (or do you have no preference), and why?

I've browsed our local comic book store Galactic Gregs a couple of times now, and I seem to be drawn more towards Marvel than D.C. - not quite sure why yet...

Okay, here's my deal with Marvel and DC:

I grew up reading Marvel. I always thought DC was lame because they have these old characters from the 50's, cheesy costumes, that kind of thing. I know, right? A Marvel fan complaing of cheesy costumes. Well, things changed when the X-Men movie hit theatres. Marvel decided to update their look, bring in more modern fans, make everything more "edgy". (Did you know that Lobo as we know him was created to be a comedic parody of Wolverine? True story!) Basically, they wanted everyone to be Wolverine. So X-Men changed. They went from being a family to being divided (moreso..) and suddenly everyone was a "bad ass". In short, Marvel became the Michael Bay of comics. So, I quit.

Ten years later, after watching some DC cartoons, I'm suddenly drawn to the most hilarious character concept ever; Booster Gold. I get a few comics, and realize that the charm of DC is in that their characters ARE that old. And cheesy. And to be honest, it makes me happy. Sure there's some bloodshed, some "hard core" stuff, but for the most part, everyone is still wearing tights and capes and the superhero feel is still there. And every time I try to go back to Marvel, they do something that completely fucks with my memories (like remove Jubilee's powers, kill Banshee, or make it so that Nightcrawler -hallucinated- all that backstory about him being a priest...), and I say no thank you.

So, for the moment, I'm down with DC. I'm collecting 5 titles (Booster Gold, DC Universe: Online, Power Girl, Birds of Prey, Gotham City Sirens), and they are ALL good. However, most of those titles will be cancelled when their reboot happens in the fall. So, I'll probably end up collecting 2 of the new titles, rather than 5, because DC has decided to go the way of Marvel and update their look to please the male 18-35 crowd. And that's not me speculating, that's what a DC exec said. That their target audience are males aged 18-35, but they realize other consumers exist.

Gee, thanks guys.

To illustrate my annoyance, here's a picture of Wonder Woman snapping a man's neck.

I don't have an allegiance to any particular company, but in general terms Marvel's characters always struck me as being cooler than DC's (aside from Batman, of course, who is cooler than everyone). What I'm mainly looking for is a really good story I'm not going to forget, and nothing bogged down in 20,30, or 60 years of continuity. That's why I love(d) the Ultimate Marvel line and have some hope for the DC reboot.

And there's more to superheroes than just Marvel and DC. Boom Studios has a couple of really memorable titles in Iredeemable and Incorruptible, and Image has Invincible, which is honestly the best pure superhero comic to come along in decades.
I grew up reading Marvel. I always thought DC was lame because they have these old characters from the 50's, cheesy costumes, that kind of thing. I know, right? A Marvel fan complaing of cheesy costumes. Well, things changed when the X-Men movie hit theatres. Marvel decided to update their look, bring in more modern fans, make everything more "edgy". (Did you know that Lobo as we know him was created to be a comedic parody of Wolverine? True story!) Basically, they wanted everyone to be Wolverine. So X-Men changed. They went from being a family to being divided (moreso..) and suddenly everyone was a "bad ass". In short, Marvel became the Michael Bay of comics. So, I quit.

Personally, I think it is less that than just adjusting things to match up with the vision of the movie, which really Marvel didn't have that much influence in making in the first place. (Tho, perpetuating the whole Wolverine and the X-Men thing is their fault.) Tho, to be fair, that was around the time that I stopped reading comic books.

And every time I try to go back to Marvel, they do something that completely fucks with my memories (like remove Jubilee's powers, kill Banshee, or make it so that Nightcrawler -hallucinated- all that backstory about him being a priest...), and I say no thank you.

It is something Marvel has been guilty of for years, writing into a corner and RetConning their way out of it. It is why you can never take any character's death seriously. Most recent example was reading X-Treme X-Men and seeing Psylocke get killed, only to read that they resurrected her later on. Hell, I was waiting for years for them to resurrect Douglas Ramsey, which they eventually did, in a way I was expecting.

Still, tho, with all of these issues, I still find Marvel's characters the most "human", which makes them more attractive to me as characters. With all the animated DC shows I've come to appriciate those characters a bit more than I used to, but I still enjoy Marvel's characters the most.

That their target audience are males aged 18-35, but they realize other consumers exist.

That's probably because that's the demographic that's willing to play $5 a book. That's why I don't really read comic books outside of collections, because it is just too damn expensive.

To illustrate my annoyance, here's a picture of Wonder Woman snapping a man's neck.

Ah, that reminds me to post someone's detailed review of the Wonder Woman pilot, which has similar shenanigans.