coming back home from dynamo...


the psychedelic servant
Jan 20, 2002
i, the opethpainter, have just arrived home from an incredible experience in the netherlands and - mostly - in germany. :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

i am so happy for the great time i had, not only for having seen opeth live for the 2nd time [i expected something new, but nothing...] but also for the many, many things that happened to me and i still can't believe everything is fucking true.

now, it's dinner's time, and i will come back later to tell you about the dynamo experience.

Yeah, give us your story, meanwhile I'll post mine and make you jealous.

I went to Dynamo for free and got an access-all-areas backstage pass. Two friends of mine (members of the band in my signature) are roadies for Within Temptation and another friend of mine is their manager (he's also the manager for Orphanage and After Forever), they had a few extra passes and I was invited to come along!

So I saw all the bands from the main stage and went to the tent when it was time for Opeth, the set was a bit predictable:

1. The Lepper Affinity
2. Advent
3. White Cluster
4. The Drapery Falls (Mikael was going "this is another song from "Blackwater Park", it's entitled "White Clus...", oh shit! It's entitled "The Drapery Falls"...)
5. Demon Of The Fall (Mikael broke a string and finished the song without guitar, just singing!)

But the performance was good, the tent was full from front to back, they've become a popular band for sure!

Anyway, after their performance I went back backstage for dinner and as I was dining Martin L, Martin M and Peter walked in for dinner as well, didn't get to talk to them though (you know it's impolite to speak with your mouth full... :grin: ). Saw Mike too backstage, he went to see Soulfly.

A very nice and long day all in all!
Originally posted by OpethianSoul
Very cool story...I wish I could have made it to Dynamo this year. I was planning to go about a month ago, but I didn't have the money for airfare. :( Maybe next year...
That you're even considering going to Dynamo when living in the States, wow, I wouldn't travel overseas just for a one day festival I think, you've got plenty of Metal fests in the US don't you?

Well next year could be worth it, if all goes well we'll be having a traditional 3-day Dynamo Metal-meltdown weekend again!
I was mainly wanting to go for Opeth and to travel overseas (would have been my first time).

The US has some decent metalfests, but most of them are a very long drive for me and not really worth the plane ticket. The ones I've seen lately have a lot of subpar bands and one or two good bands. I wouldn't mind going to the Milwaukee Metalfest, but none of the bands this year interest me that much. US metalfests just don't get the same lineups as Dynamo or Wacken. I wouldn't mind living anywhere in Europe just to have cheaper airfare to be able to go to those festivals and more each year. :)

I am going to ProgPower this year as I went last year and enjoyed it. I'll probably make that a yearly trip since it's only 4 hours from me. I don't care for the majority of the bands this year as it seems to be more power metal acts. I wish things with Opeth could have worked out, but I'll get to see Devin Townsend. :)