coming back to work today was like stepping on a fucking landmine


Aug 2, 2002
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First, one of our long time board members has died and everyone is having a conniption about that. I come in the door and someone has cleaned off my entire desk and restacked all my files so I can’t find anything. IT apparently upgraded my computer and didn’t tell me the new password so I waited 35 minutes for that…. and my phone was unplugged and the cord broken (wtf happened here?) so I couldn’t check my messages, which is why I even came in early… until now, and I have over 100 voicemails and I am like, forget this shit…

then, I find out that these consultants that came to our department about 6 months ago and interviewed us about our jobs are now giving us their report today at 10:30 (which gives me no time to grill anyone about it) to read. And from what I’ve heard it’s totally brutal on my boss and that someone was quoted in the report as saying I was ‘too smart to work here. So bored it’s embarrassing’. I can’t even believe they use anonymous word for word quotes but seriously I am just like waiting for the shit to hit the fan. Being a waitress is looking better everyday.

So I am like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and yes. PINK.
holy shit

amazing. that's a great painting!

last night i went over Aysha's and she was still in the shower, so i played with her kitty for a while, and she came out and was like "i could hear you singing kitty songs for at least twenty minutes"
i can't listen to all these fucking whiny voicemail messages. seriously. i have clients crying into the fucking phone about their bankruptcy petitions. it's like HI STOP USING YOUR CREDIT CARDS DIPSHITS.
here's part of the evaluatory report i recieved:
"One day per week intake is not enough for death planning, Senior Management has stated. They would like the legal expert to conduct evening, weekend access intakes".

so i mean they want me to work on the night and the weekends. but i mean, no raise or anything.
i mean. not that i will work weekends/nights or that they'll even ask me. just some other manager suggested it. and they noted it. so funny.