comments on mix


Long Dead God
Oct 1, 2005
this is kind of a half done mix, but ive been doing it and overdoing it and not to happy with results. i really dont have any processing gear, just the stuff built into the fostex vf160, so the main help would be on eq i guess. i only have 4 drum tracks, two overheads, snare and kick, two guitars, panned right and left, bass, keys, a harsh vocal, and clean vocal doubled, panned.
I think the guitars sound allright except for the volume dropping a bit in some parts, but i just cant get the drums right. any suggestions would be great. thanks.

also the song starts out slow then gets into blasts at about 2:25, so that changes things abit in the mix, comments or help on both parts would be great.

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I'm guessing for the whole mix overall that it's not going to sound much better with what you have. Better mic pres & AD converters are what you probably need. You may already know this. I may be wrong.

Assuming the drums are a real kit maybe you need different mics.
Maybe add a touch of reverb on the drums.

I don't think it sounds aweful. Hopefully others will be able to help you more than me. Cool song!
what are some good options on low priced mic pres? ive been looking into them on mf, but none of my local stores carry anything, so i cant really take a look at them, or mess with them before i buy, which is what i like to do.

thanks for the input.