Great Southern Trendkill mix/production

rob w

Feb 12, 2011
London, UK
I listened to Pantera's Trendkill album for the first time in about 10 years today and was shocked at how dire the mix is. The guitars seem totally lacking any body with a buzzy top end remaining low in the mix with a really long delay between the right and left. The drums also seem to have been panned so much that they seem disconnected from each other.
I'd be interested to hear everyone's thoughts 'cause my memory said something different than reality.
I have zero problems with that mix, or any pantera mix in particular.

In fact, it's a sound/mix that actually stood out a lot in the cesspool of bands who wanted to sound like -insert popular 90's band name- and mimicked those bands.

It's the kind of mix that if you play it for one second, you know what band it is in a second.. the character of the band!
I agree that they had their sound, but Trendkill sounds different from all the others. I don't think it sounds consistent with the others.
Also, the point I was sort of making, was that unfortunately I can't listen to music nowadays without listening to it without picking it apart in terms of how I think it could be improved whilst years ago I just accepted music as a whole entity. Another example of an album I love but listening to it recently thought it sounded really unbalanced is Testament's Practice What You Preach. That is all. Not an attack on Pantera and their signature sound.
I can understand what you're saying... CFH and any album after that sound different same way Kill em all sounds different to Puppets...

Go back far enough to bands like the stones and its even more unbalanced...

I've found myself being a lot more interested in these productions now though... a couple of years ago I'd not appreciated them as much, but older productions or productions of different genres where there are different instruments to the standard Drums/Bass/Guitar/Guitar/Vox...

Don't get me wrong... I'll always have a raging semi for metal... but y'know...
Musically, this album blew me the fuck away when I first heard it.
The title track was THE most insane thing I'd heard in my life at that point in time.
As far as the production goes, yeah................I'll leave it there
Terry Date. Much respect.

Indeed much respect! I love a lot of Date's stuff from his prong stuff, particularly Cleansing, cowboys, far beyond driven etc...and I love Unearth 3. But having listened to trendkill recently after years of not hearing it, my initial thought was that it sounded odd. Certainly the weakest of pantera's in terms of mix, miles behind Vulgar.
From what I remember ( old guitar world mag) dime used randall rg100 and furman pq3 instead of the century 200 heads and the pq4, maybe that's the reason the guitars sound a little bit more brittle.
The bass was rex's ampeg pre thru crest power amp to ampeg 8x10 miked, blended with a sansamp and the DI signal.

They also mentioned it was tracked on linked tascam Da88's and some desk I can't remember at the moment.

Terry Date is the man, much respect!