
Johnnie said during the reunion shows in '05 & '06 the crowd was chanting 'John Bush'. strange, i saw 3 reunion shows in '06 and no one chanted 'John Bush', i probably attended the wrong shows.
Johnnie said during the reunion shows in '05 & '06 the crowd was chanting 'John Bush'. strange, i saw 3 reunion shows in '06 and no one chanted 'John Bush', i probably attended the wrong shows.

LOL. I saw 3 Reunion shows too and it was definitely a "Joey, Joey, Joey" chant going on. Not one single person could have given a shit if John Bush was there. They played a show with Jason Bitner on drums at the Avalon in Hollywood and to this day that was the most intense Anthrax show i have ever seen. The place was completely sold out, jam packed, the mosh pit during WAR DANCE was the biggest circle pit I have ever seen in person. Joey made mention of possibly doing a new Anthrax record and the crowd went nuts. Of course about 1 month later Scott and Charlie decide to take all of that momentum they built up from the reunion tour and flush it down the toilet... But they got their $$$ so I guess they were okay for a while. Meanwhile they alienate both Joey AND John, hire an unknown generic Don Nelson and almost go into extinction... again. Great businessmen these guys are!
I saw them with Bush in 96 and 04 and no gave a shit if Joey was there, place was packed 4000. Mosh pits, crowd surfing, stage diving..........
Mate I'm happily married. 2 kids 10 and 12 and with both work and have a house. I'm very happy actually, have been this whole time. I've been laughing at you 2 the whole time.