Just got home form the show.


Apr 28, 2005
Nerve Damage kicked ass! If you get the chance to see em live get your ass to the show. I know I will.

Dave, whats that on your leg? Fucker!:rock: :rock: :rock:

Anthrax was of course incredible. I took a friend of mine that just recently got into Anthrax. He said it was the most fun he as ever had at a show. Mind you he has seen em all since the mid 80's. Says Anthrax fans are the fuckin shit. Of course we are :rock: It was my first time at the Pearl Room and while there were some sound issues its a pretty cool little venue. Easy parking to boot. I will post some pics tomorrow.... for now I am gonna go enjoy the ringing in my ears. Rock on Mother Fuckers!!! :rock: :rock:
yes i agree awesome show last night!!!
but standing outside for fucken two in a half hours jus to see them do there warm up was bull shit! that shit was supposed to start at 3:45 but they didnt let us in for that until 6:00.
but seeing them on stage before the show and them talking to the fans shows that there not stuck up rock stars, and that they care bout there fans!
and that there some cool ass dudes.

nerve damage kicks ass!!!!
and fuck the second band they sucked ass!!