compilation artwork

Mick Moss

Apr 12, 2002
If anyones got any artwork they think will suit the compilation cd then lob it up here.

Btw the compilation is actually rather good, and a real good way to get new music. Im surprised by how well its gone as i thought it'd be a load of disjointed shite.

The only problem now is the running order and im working on that right now.

I think this'll turn into a monthly or bi-monthly thing so the first is called volume 1 - april 2003.

I hope enough people want to get invlolved, and choose a recommended track each month that they wanna upload, obviously itll work on a rota 12 people at a time :Spin: :Spin: :Spin: :Spin:
ill try to do something artistic. *hrum* art is for the dumb anyway :) I dont get it where they get all the nonsense from if they see 2 blue rectangles and one orange triangle on a purple background :confused:
BTW do you have any ideas already about how to do the artwork. You gonna combine all the pieces together, or as a collage or sth?
First thing i had to think about is like the artwork from U2's 'Achtung Baby'.

this is so doom
Giorgos said:
Ok ok...
This is Manolios from his trip in Scotland...
this is from the Edinburg castle...


I love this one. It reminds me of the film Amélie, when the garden gnome is photographed in front of several famous buildings of the world :)
Eos said:
McDonald's rules, he? :lol:

Actually, they don't, they put out a fake Miss Piggy (or what's her name), she's not fat at all. Maybe because if Miss Piggy is fat like a pig, then she should've put on weight because she's been eating McDonald's food. They might have not wanted this association. :) The result is a Barbie Piggy. :yuk:
Dhatura said:
Actually, they don't, they put out a fake Miss Piggy (or what's her name)

oh forgot about that one :) *weeps from remembering good memories* *violon as background music*
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
oh forgot about that one :) *weeps from remembering good memories* *violon as background music*

I don't remember anyting either except her hopelessly being in love with the frog. I saw the series as a child, and in Hungarian, of course. I don't even know the names in English.