Compilation project knock back's

Mick Moss

Apr 12, 2002
keith capulto
new model army

are all to be left off the compilation because i asked for 'dark and moving' music, which this stuff definitley isnt. Im not knocking it as songs or musical taste but i wanted a dark moody compilation and these dont fit. So the four people who uploaded these tracks get in touch with mehdi and youve got a second chance to upload something appropriate.

tims favourite is in by the skin of its teeth and im quite puzzled by this track, could the person whouploaded it give me some more info on it?

congratulations to the two people who uploaded -


these two tracks are spot on and you obviously knew what i was going for

In the meantime could anyone who has some artwork suggestions start posting it up in the forum

Please dont anyone take offence whos been asked to stick a different track up. Im dead happy and appreciative for people bothering to take the time to upload a track and Im not insulting your musical tastes either.

Thing is I wanted a specific mood and its a very broad option, but stuff like New Model Army and Keith Capulto isnt dark at all, and is too happy and upbeat for a compilation that i specified should be dark and moving.

Thanks again for taking part
now well. okay so deUS left out :waah: Ill go for my 2nd song then. and if you think its not dark well then I dont get it through what youre searching for. :confused: well never got that it had to be really dark

and about Tims Favourite click on the banner in my signature :) (must be goriks song... he'll be happy)
Mick Moss said:
congratulations to the two people who uploaded -


these two tracks are spot on and you obviously knew what i was going for

Thanks mate! :)
Funny thing if you know that my first choice was another track from naervaer , but i was too long so i had to choose another one... :grin:

(for naervaer lovers, my first take was "en som...")
nice. can i have the space with the new song does not show up?


*pathetic whiner*
Mick Moss said:
tims favourite is in by the skin of its teeth and im quite puzzled by this track, could the person whouploaded it give me some more info on it?
Ehm, I uploaded it, but what is it exactly that you're puzzled about?
And for info or lyrics or whatever you can click on Pieter's sig.
It's not too upbeat or too happy right?
sol83 said:
emm, i think mick is responsible for telling me that. were you the one with the unloaded song?

yes, I uploaded the Darkseed song. I would upload another but I am rather busy lately and plus someone else who would really like to should be given a chance as well. :)
Thanks for uploading in the first place and sorry fior askin for another, thing is though the first batch of tracks didnt fit together at all and the cd wouldve been a failure (this doesnt reflect your entry , just the combination of styles that were there)

As it is, asking for a few alternate tracks has made this compilation really playable, and i have it on every time im on my pc now. I just have to get a final running order but im sure people who are into their music who have the time to download this will appreciate it totally.

Cant wait for the next one.

Cheers Everyone