Antimatter forum compilation project. Can we do THIS ??

Mick Moss

Apr 12, 2002
-Can this be done ???

We get some cyberspace and over a fixed period of time we get involved the people who wish to get involved, but I think we must limit the numbers to around 15, and we create a compilation album.

Each person can only choose one track, so choose a track - ANY TRACK fom your music collection that you want to put forward. Tracks must be of reasonable length i.e 6 minutes (if less people get involved then we can have longer running times), and upload it to the server. When finished, download the lot and theres our official 'People of the Antimatter Forum Compilation Album'

Is this a reasonable idea , or am I blowing chowder ?????? :Smokin: :headbang: :devil:

Can I ask people also not to start typing in song titles as replies to this thread, simply reply if you think you want to get involved and if you have any suggestions on how to do it.
Mick Moss said:
Is this a reasonable idea , or am I blowing chowder?

Not a bad idea! You should think about putting your laughter on it :D HE-HE-HE *ggggggggg*

If I can help let me know :)
i'm in but it'll be terribly dificult to pick just one song. gotta be a weird one though, that's for sure. good idea james.... eeh, i meant mick.
Hmmmm, yeah might be good! everyone thinking what songs other people over here might like... good!
uhm. should there be rules? so we are limited in our songs?
since this is an *Antimatterproject* all songs should be 'proper doom'.
Well, as I said theres obviously gonna be a limit to the times of each track, apart from that, I dunno. I was considering barring all metal and subgenres to make sure that some cunt doesnt lob in a WASP track and mess the whole flow of the album up. Im not sure, as I said, we need suggestions to make this work so carry on!! ...
im just afraid of too many people willing to upload/download, which means that youd need biggest server etc :(