Complete Vocal Question Thread!

Shaun Werle

Dec 30, 2009
Brodheadsville PA
Alright so i know that bits and pieces of how to achieve decent vocals has been posted somewhere on this forum, but I had no luck diggin up stuff i really was looking for. So my questions to all.

So first off, i would like to start off with clean vocals, I am looking for more of a modern sound at the moment (if that makes sense) unfortunetly that's what i have been getting as far as bands in the Metal-core/Screamo Gerne that want to record with me.
Which i dig i guess.
But Whenever i track clean vocals it sounds a person singing right in front of you without a mic. It just sounds out of place. What i am trying to say it lacks the smoothness, and sounds pretty much dry so here is what i am going are a list of quick questions

What plug ins work best with clean vocals?
What eqing is appropriate?
Should i be compressing hard or how much? (pretty much lost with Compression on cleans to be honest)
As far as adding layers how should i go about this?
How should i be doing my doubles?
what other tricks are there to getting?
How much reverb should be applied?

And also what do you do for vocal sessions?

Screaming, My screams come out decent but i think they lack some distortion, I have tried a pro tools stock AIR Distortion but i didn't get to good of results.

When should i double?
What i do if the vocalist is quiet and week?
How hard should i Pan doubles?
What are some tricks you have to spice up the screaming?
What is a good outline as far as EQing them (I hate Muffled Vocals)

that's all i can think of asking right now, so please share some good information if you can

I would like to note i don't think i am Awwful with screaming but i am not at the level i would like to be and i have been messing with a whole bunch of different stuff, i just don't know where to start in some cases

Mic (Currently Using): AT4040

I am not trying to be annoying just direct.

Thanks guys :)
Eqing for clean vocals i prefer to highpass around 200 to 250hz and boost 2 to 10kz. might want a de-esser also
What plug ins work best with clean vocals? What plug ins work best with clean vocals?
What eqing is appropriate?
Should i be compressing hard or how much? (pretty much lost with Compression on cleans to be honest)

I would'nt say there are "best" plugins, but the plugins i use would be a reverb plugin as a send (high pass 200hz and up so you dont reverb the mud), as far as eq, set up a high pass at 60hz, and slowly move it up until you notice that the vocals are losing tone, then stop there (i would say maybe around 200hz-350hz). Compression is something i am still trying to get a hang of, but i would say 4:1 ratio, attack of maybe 40ms and gain reduction from 4-6 db but dont take my word for it.

As far as adding layers how should i go about this?
How should i be doing my doubles?
what other tricks are there to getting?

Layering depends on the part you are doing IMO. If you are going for a HUGE chorus, check out the video of the dude from theocracy tracking his part on youtube, that dude is more than just talent. I would imagine just one track would suffice for a verse, but i dont work to much with cleans. I also forgot to mention that using delay and chorus are good effects for vocals, but be descrete! Things get really muddy really fast when it comes to effects.

When should i double?

Check post above

What i do if the vocalist is quiet and week?
This is a shitty, and pretty common situation. There isnt too much you can do, vocals are all about power, control and most of all when it comes to recording, confidence. If your singer has confidence in what they are doing it is gonna sound better ten fold compared to them having a shitty day or being uncomfortable.

How hard should i Pan doubles?
I would say 50-30L and 50-30R. I think it depends on the part though, as far as a wide big buildup, or just for effect and to sound smooth.

What are some tricks you have to spice up the screaming?
I have heard of people using saturation and distortion plugins, but i wouldnt dive to deep into that until you have a good grip on vocals without them.

What is a good outline as far as EQing them (I hate Muffled Vocals)
For me, muffled vocals come with technique, the mic and the room your in.

I would like to note i don't think i am Awwful with screaming but i am not at the level i would like to be and i have been messing with a whole bunch of different stuff, i just don't know where to start in some cases

:) Confidence is key. Just keep trying new stuff and practicing, one thing you can do to track your progress, is once a week just record some vocals, and really go for it. After 3 or 4 weeks, you will look at week one and most likely this will ensue


But have no fear! Just keep practicing and in no time you will be just like (whoever is good at singing, idk, teh dude from killswitch?). Oh and thats another thing, dont try to sound like anyone else, you have your own unique set of vocals chords, so make the most out of them!

Good luck!
I would'nt say there are "best" plugins, but the plugins i use would be a reverb plugin as a send (high pass 200hz and up so you dont reverb the mud), as far as eq, set up a high pass at 60hz, and slowly move it up until you notice that the vocals are losing tone, then stop there (i would say maybe around 200hz-350hz). Compression is something i am still trying to get a hang of, but i would say 4:1 ratio, attack of maybe 40ms and gain reduction from 4-6 db but dont take my word for it.

Layering depends on the part you are doing IMO. If you are going for a HUGE chorus, check out the video of the dude from theocracy tracking his part on youtube, that dude is more than just talent. I would imagine just one track would suffice for a verse, but i dont work to much with cleans. I also forgot to mention that using delay and chorus are good effects for vocals, but be descrete! Things get really muddy really fast when it comes to effects.

Check post above

This is a shitty, and pretty common situation. There isnt too much you can do, vocals are all about power, control and most of all when it comes to recording, confidence. If your singer has confidence in what they are doing it is gonna sound better ten fold compared to them having a shitty day or being uncomfortable.

I would say 50-30L and 50-30R. I think it depends on the part though, as far as a wide big buildup, or just for effect and to sound smooth.

I have heard of people using saturation and distortion plugins, but i wouldnt dive to deep into that until you have a good grip on vocals without them.

For me, muffled vocals come with technique, the mic and the room your in.

:) Confidence is key. Just keep trying new stuff and practicing, one thing you can do to track your progress, is once a week just record some vocals, and really go for it. After 3 or 4 weeks, you will look at week one and most likely this will ensue


But have no fear! Just keep practicing and in no time you will be just like (whoever is good at singing, idk, teh dude from killswitch?). Oh and thats another thing, dont try to sound like anyone else, you have your own unique set of vocals chords, so make the most out of them!

Good luck!

Amazing post, I really appreciate all the work you put into this post!

Seriously thank you! :)
I limit my vocals instead of compress

I actually have been messing with my vocal chain, with some help from a friend i have thing's sounding real good atleast better. I ordered a new mic to spice it up as well. Thanks for all the help, and I will try the limiting idea.

Also dude I really like your master you did for me, Could you possibly PM me for some detail and tips. I think i am getting there but it would be appreciated.

Also everyone i just recorded a band in Drop G sounds insane!
I will post soon.
Great info in here already, but I've noticed on a lot of the radio rock stuff, there is a TON of vocal work going on. Like a ton of processing, compressing, and harmonies... Any ideas towards the harmonies? Should we be aiming for unison intervals? fifths? Unison makes it sound very robotic...

I know when I had vocal trouble, I was recommended by ermz or someone like that, to slam the vocals with a boat load of reduction...
Also dude I really like your master you did for me, Could you possibly PM me for some detail and tips. I think i am getting there but it would be appreciated.

its going to have to wait until I get home on the 15th.
Im actually in Bay City, Michigan recording with my band right now ;)
No shit, Shaun I know you dude. You used to be in Life Beyond Reason right? I was in Act of Brutality and Drowning Sun for a little. Cool to see you here.
No shit, Shaun I know you dude. You used to be in Life Beyond Reason right? I was in Act of Brutality and Drowning Sun for a little. Cool to see you here.

Thanks a lot man! My main focus is recording and Audio production at this point.

It's nice to be here man, what do you have your self into right now?
my basic chain for clean vocally usually goes;

EQ - Compressor - Reverb - tiny amount of Echo

Sometimes even a stereo spread between the compressor and reverb, then after the basic chain, different effects. I know its not the most amazing of chains but it does the job for me and if you practise at each one and find a chain which is good for you, why not?

With EQ I usually go through all the "bad" frequencies first, which generate a hum or tinny buzz and drop them out completely, I usually find one around 600Hz, but that could just be my mic, room position, room etc etc

Usually go for 2:0:1 compression and wack the limiter on so it just peaks above 0db and the rest is just what ever suites the vocals!

I dont have too much experience in heavy, screamy vocals yet but from what I have worked with, which is mainly death metal, a pitch shifter (using logic's own), and de tune it by a cent or so usually adds more to it and sounds like 2 vocals or doubles it, but thats just what the band wanted!

Hope this helps a little bit. I'm still learning myself! :)
heaps of harmonies "5ths" and "3rds", to a level where you can't hear them and you miss them if they are not there. Compression, saturation, delay, doubler, and eq can play a huge part in vocals!!!