Completed my collection today


New Metal Member
Oct 5, 2004
So, I've known of Evergrey for several years now, but it took me finding out I had mutual friends with the band to get me to listen. Damn glad I did though. Today I bought In Search Of Truth and thus completed thier catalog. I'm digging the hell out of them! They remind me of Dream Theater with less pretention and better songs. (we all know DT can play. do they really need to show off anymore? :) )

So, does anyone know why so many of the lyrics are religious? Tom doesn't seem to be uber-christian, but there are a TON of refrences to god and such. Also, there is no credit in The Inner Circle for who the "preacher" in all of the songs is. I thought that was odd. If for no other reason than copyrights.

regardless, fucking great group of cd's and I'm glad I took the time to listen!
The "preacher" on the Inner Circle is just keyboard sampling...The words (or maybe sentences) are assigned to different keys, and triggered when a key is hit.

But either way, Evergrey is by far my favorite band. :headbang:
No, there is a real evangelist from whom those parts were taken - the band simply won't tell who it is.
maybe you are mistaking his crying for pauses that would be evident in sampling. doesn't matter anyway. I guessed that they hadn't paid for the rights and that was why. pretty damn ballsy. I guess it helps that they don't assign a connotation to the quotes. They just stand alone. oh well.
Perhaps this "preacher" was not aware that he was being recorded for use on an album, which may be why they won't say who it is. Now, I haven't seen Evergrey live, so I wouldn't know if that voice is used in actual performances, but if that is the case, then it has to be sampled, otherwise, people might just find out who it is! :OMG:
Evangelists do television shows all the time (The 700 Club for one, and there are numerous other Jesus Channels, depending on where in the US you live - we had three or four in North Carolina), which is very likely the source of the material - and no, he's probably not aware of its use.
Even if the preacher is sampled to a keyboard, the sample still had to come from a real man. So whether or not its a sample on a keyboard doesnt matter. What matters is who's voice it is.
1Time said:
Even if the preacher is sampled to a keyboard, the sample still had to come from a real man. So whether or not its a sample on a keyboard doesnt matter. What matters is who's voice it is.

No, I don't think it does. EG probably tweaked the voice(s) and moved / spinned around sentences and words, which makes it their own artwork. It could be any lunatic, which is the point. To name/point out someone, for doing something he/they didn't really do, doesnt make sence.

It's cool btw, that's what's important. :zombie:
I read somewhere (I think it was Restricted Magazine) that Henrik said the samples were all real. As in somebody(ies) actually said that stuff and meant it. I could be wrong. In any case, that's just damned creepy. Especially "The Essence Of Conviction".

Whoops. Forgot to add that Henrik also said that while these things were said, Evergrey simply mixed up the order they were said in. I think someone else here mentioned that.
Raine Lionheart said:
I read somewhere (I think it was Restricted Magazine) that Henrik said the samples were all real. As in somebody(ies) actually said that stuff and meant it.

:OMG: IT'S REAL....AND SAMPLED! and I agree with Peza...The important thing is that it's cool, not much else matters.

I could be wrong. In any case, that's just damned creepy. Especially "The Essence Of Conviction".
Yeah, that is pretty friggen creepy...Talking about killing babies?! OMG!
It's kinda like on In Search of Truth, in the song "Different Worlds" Some guy is like "Please don't touch me...I want to go home!" Kinda disturbing. But it kicks ass nonetheless. :headbang:
:hotjump: I'd fucking mosh to Great Deceiver if I were walking down the street and it came on my discman. Awesome song.

But I wanna hear A Touch Of Blessing live. They played it in Seattle, but I didn't pay much attention because a that point, I'd only heard Ambassador off of Inner Circle and was going fucking crazy for the Recreation Day songs (End Of Your Days, Recreation Day and Blinded). A Touch Of Blessing and As I Lie Bleeding. Or Visions, because the solo is vicious.