Compress the drum kit = Yes?


Jun 15, 2010
So I throw compression on my ENTIRE drum track right, and it's like bam everything is so punchy and powerful [but those damn cymbals make it sound way too compressed!]

I'm feeling I should find the middle ground and just SLIGHTLY compress the kit. Why do you guys think?

Non Compressed
Send just the shells to a more aggressive comp, cymbals to a less aggressive comp, and then both of those to a single group and use some slight compression to bring those two together
I always compress the kick, snare, toms and sometimes oh's separately to my taste, then route the drum tracks to a buss. Generally two options: I compress just a little bit to glue the shit AND parallel comp to add some punch OR I simply compress the drum buss. It depends how it works for the music.
Comp shells individually and send to a parallel comp, then do light compression on the drum bus itself. Very different intents with all 3 compression stages.

That's what I wanted to say, you speak better than me ahah!
Btw, do you guys use the same compressor or different ones? I use to take the SSL comp from Waves.
Comp shells individually and send to a parallel comp, then do light compression on the drum bus itself. Very different intents with all 3 compression stages.

I'm a noob, how do I do this in Cubase 5?
And even if you can send me a link on how-to that'd be great I just don't have time to look right now.

ALSO do you think the drum compression is even necessary for the track?
Here's the end of the song without any drum compression.