

Senior Member
Sep 25, 2003
I hear alot of stuff about Conception and how great they are, and everything I have heard i've not been that impressed. Maybe i'm just hearing the wrong stuff, I love Kamelot and everything i've heard has been a little bland. Can anyone tell me some songs to check out so I can change my opinion?
Conception is 1000 times better than Kamelot.

There style is much different than Kamelot, so if your tastes are confined to power metal... you may not get it. Tore Ostby (of ARK fame) is a virtuoso guitarist and a creative composer who incoporate a lot of different types of music into his songs (especially has a penchant for Latin music).

Here are some choice cuts:

Cardinal Sin
A Million Gods
Some Wounds
Roll The Fire
Captain Foreskin said:
I unfortunately really never got a chance to really get into Conception. I know some of their stuff is out of print now. I am going to look as Khan is such an awesome vocalist!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Conception stuff is hard to find (which is a crime!). I got my 4 Conception albums off a few years ago... though I'm not sure if that vendor still has them in stock. I also got a Conception - "Flow" tshirt and a couple Conception vinyls from the Noise Records store for very low prices. Khan is an incredible vocalist, but I feel he's a bit limited in Kamelot's formula. He definately displayed a greater range of expression within the expansive soundscapes of Conception.
Well, a Conception reunion has been proposed, and I actually think it may be in the works (at least as far as putting out an album). I can only wish for a subsequent tour!
nightwish58 said:
Well, a Conception reunion has been proposed, and I actually think it may be in the works (at least as far as putting out an album). I can only wish for a subsequent tour!
Khan made a statement in an interview last year about a possible Conception reunion in 2005. He said that Conception never officially "broke up" and that they left the door open for potential reunification. It is fortunate, however, that the dissolution of Conception in 1997 resulted in two fine bands: Kamelot and ARK. With Jorn Lande leaving ARK, perhaps Tore Ostby would be more eager for Conception reunion.
I certainly hope it happens, and I agree about Khan's talents being restricted in for what songs to check out, I'd recommend buying whatever album you can find due to its rarity, though I think In Your Multitude is their best work.
Conception and Kamelot are certainly two different animals. I prefer the album Flow, but really like all of Conception's music.

Parallel Minds
Soliloquy :worship:
Some Wounds
Missionary Man
Would It Be The Same
Water Confines
RollThe Fire
My Decision
Thanks for your replies. Right now i'm listening to "Roll the Fire" and I like it, but I feel their is something missing. Maybe I just need to listen to it a few times. I felt the same way about adagio the first ime I heard them, then a month later I listened to them again and their one of my favorite metal bands.
Same goes for Nightwish, Kamelot, Pain of slavation, and even my favorite band Rainbow. Actually I think I might be like that with every band I like, that sort of sucks. Anyway I better end this post because i am currently making a pschological breakthrough. I will say one thing I am now listening to "Cardinal Sin" and this is awesome, props to whoever suggested that one! :headbang:
ProgMetalFan said:
Conception stuff is hard to find (which is a crime!). I got my 4 Conception albums off a few years ago... though I'm not sure if that vendor still has them in stock. I also got a Conception - "Flow" tshirt and a couple Conception vinyls from the Noise Records store for very low prices. Khan is an incredible vocalist, but I feel he's a bit limited in Kamelot's formula. He definately displayed a greater range of expression within the expansive soundscapes of Conception.
Awesome bro - every single one of your posts echoes my feelings about Conception and Kamelot - :headbang:

REALLY hoping that Conception reunion comes off - Kamelot just does not fill the gap for me.
ProgMetalFan said:
Conception stuff is hard to find (which is a crime!). I got my 4 Conception albums off a few years ago... though I'm not sure if that vendor still has them in stock. I also got a Conception - "Flow" tshirt and a couple Conception vinyls from the Noise Records store for very low prices. Khan is an incredible vocalist, but I feel he's a bit limited in Kamelot's formula. He definately displayed a greater range of expression within the expansive soundscapes of Conception.
DAMN - I remember when I first discovered Conception, I somehow ended up on the NOISE site years back (99?) where I found sound samples from FLOW and I was hooked - but now I remember that they did have FLOW t-shirts on there too. KICKING myself for not getting one. You wouldn't happen to know anyplace that still might have one do you? I'd kill for one right about now....
dargormudshark said:
Thanks for your replies. Right now i'm listening to "Roll the Fire" and I like it, but I feel their is something missing. Maybe I just need to listen to it a few times. I felt the same way about adagio the first ime I heard them, then a month later I listened to them again and their one of my favorite metal bands.
Same goes for Nightwish, Kamelot, Pain of slavation, and even my favorite band Rainbow. Actually I think I might be like that with every band I like, that sort of sucks. Anyway I better end this post because i am currently making a pschological breakthrough. I will say one thing I am now listening to "Cardinal Sin" and this is awesome, props to whoever suggested that one! :headbang:
Some of my favorite albums are ones that took some time to 'get into'. I have found, for me, some stuff takes more than a causual listen to really get. Sometimes you have to sit down and give an album a serious listen and then it all clicks. Glad you like Conception, bro...I always enjoy finding new bands/music to listen to.
Burke...I can remember reading glowing reviews of Flow and the other albums around the same time, though I didn't really get into them until a year later...are you sure that's your favorite Whisper, since you listed half of Parallel Minds (all great songs BTW). :)