concert horror stories!!!!!

Jasonic and I were at that show, he lived a few blocks from there so we walked over early to check things out and sure enough the doors were open a hour early. we walked right in and literally Evergrey came out....and played for like 50 people. Once they were 6:45 or so....the rest of the crowd walked in thinking they were going to start the show....actually it wasnt the Metro's was Iced Earths fault becuase they had a long set planned and poor communication was set up.

Actually in speaking with the promoter it was the venue's rules regarding all ages shows that resulted in Evergrey going on early. I agree it was poor communication but IMO this isn't the bands fault at all for having a long set. It's the responsibilty of the promoter and booking agents to know the laws/rules blah blah blah of the venues and make sure the times are set accordingly. For the life of me I can't remember who did this show but he took full responsibility for the mishap when I chatted with him. Oddly my chatting with him wasn't even to complain about the show it just kind of came up during
Hahaha. Yea, that was DEW SCENTED doing War Ensemble.
It was one of the few performances that day that actually got the crowd moving (Except for Vio-Lence).

I think EVERYONE can tell at least one horror story from attenting Milwaukee Metalfest!

Damn we've crossed pathes a good amount of times....
Another one that came to my head was Jag Panzer getting stuck in Chicago Cubs playoff traffic, and getting to the Vic late
(They were opening for Helloween, in 2003).
I think they only got like 4 or 5 songs.
Luckily, we had seen them a number of times right before then.
Though you were screwed if JP was a primary reason for attending the gig.

I looked at that moment as dodging a bullet.
I am sure if we meet at Powerfest...all of us including Jasonic will be like....I have seen you for years at shows.

How many times do we always say, "Oh, you know that guy. The one TALL guy who looks like the guitarist from Helloween" Hell, he probably posts here.

Oh, and if you want to meet Vito before Novembers Doom hits the stage, just look for the guy in the ND hoodie. It never leaves his back!
I am sure if we meet at Powerfest...all of us including Jasonic will be like....I have seen you for years at shows.


There I am ..the dude of course...
Horror story... Seeing VH on the 1984 tour. The first time that I had a chance to see them and like the other story, they were so drunk and awful it basically ruined my love for the band. To this day still...
Ozzfest 2005 in Chicago. Black Sabbath didn't play their self-titled song thanks to Ozzy being sick. And then Opeth later in '05, when Nevermore had absolute trash sound quality and played like 3 or 4 songs short of what they should have.
I have 2.....I'm old, so bear with me on these bands.....

Van Halen, the 1984 tour with David Lee Roth: It was at the Allstate arena (formerly the Rosemont Horizon), Eddie, David and Michael were all so was horrible. Someone threw a bra on the stage (normal for back then? I guess), and David said to Eddie....(btw it was a VERY small bra hehehe) "Wow Eddie, this looks like Valerie's bra.....oh wait, this is too BIG to be Valerie's bra!!" Then about 20 mins later Eddie was doing one of his solo's and since we were sitting on the side we got to see the whole glorious "puking behind the gong" was a little sickening....but I must say, he didn't miss a note....I hated that show because it was like the crowd wasn't even there and you could feel the animosity between the band.....David showed no "showmanship", and it was like watching a few drunken, almost dead fish.....I vowed I would never see them again with David Lee Roth, and have kept true to my word.

Wow, were we at the same show? :heh: A girl I worked with knew a scalper, who had ONE 3rd row center ticket he couldn't get rid of. I think I paid either face value, or no more than $5 over for it. I had never been that close for VH before, and had a great time. Dave's little ribbon/sword dance was a waste of time. I do not remember the puking behind the gong. I DO remember punching a dude who kept climbing on my chair, earlier he vowed he was going to get in front of me. 1 roundhouse to the face sent him flying.
I loved a good brawl back in those days!

My WORST experience was getting puked on at the UFO/Saxon show at the Amphitheater. (1981 or 2) Took of the jacket, shoved it under the seat, and kept on rocking until the smell of vomit got to me, and I had to sit (& puke) through the entire encore. I remember being amazed that my Shamrock shake I had with lunch still came back up green!

Trick or Treat
It seems like only yesterday but actually it was 31Oct.98
1998 was when I started my love affair with Rammstein, as I'd seen them earlier on the Family Values Tour
I was blown away by their music, in person the most powerful sounds I've ever heard. Maybe standing on the beach at Cape Canaveral FL watching a Shuttle take off is the only thing(sound wise) I compare them with???
I'm a believer in if you want to see a band live, do it, don't wait for them to come around again as it may never happen. As it was the last date of the FVT, down the road I go. From my place in WV to where the final date took place(Fairfax, VA) it about 300 miles. So my leisurely drive took me about 5 hours.
The first band was Orgy, then Incubus, (no Ice Cube he was at the other FVT shows), when Limp Bizkit came out all dressed as Elvis Presley, it dawned on yours truly is Halloween. Orgy were dressed as 70s Disco people, Incubus as Chinese People, think Madame Butterfly. So after Limp Bizkit I'm wondering what customs will Rammstein be wearing?
So here we go, the curtain goes up, the stage is dark except for 2 glowing pumpkin on either side of the stage.
Hope whoever reads this knows a little about R+
First song R+ played was Wollt Ihr Das Bett In Flammen Sehen where Till is on fire(still don't understand how this is done without burning Till to a crisp) as the flames were flaming could not see much of the other band members. Till leaves the stage to removed the fire suit thingie, the stage gets a little brighter, as they start the next tune Paul turns his back to the audience, bows, he is bare ass naked, then Oli does the same thing, he is in the buff also, great costumes(nothing) just then Till returns to the stage wearing only the largest, longest, blackest dildo I've ever seen. Off to the side of the stage something is going on, Till walks over there, gone, then Oli, bye, bye and finally Paul not to be seen again this night. Christoph walks to the edge of the stage says they've been arrested and throws his drum sticks. Down comes the curtain. Mother double fucker, 300 miles/5 hours and its over in the middle of their second song. The fans start chanting Du Hast I believe there is going to be a riot, the venue must of thought there was going to be trouble, in an instant there were police people everywhere. I'm sitting there stunned, a cup of liquid goes flying over my head and hits a police person in their head. An usher points to where the cup came from, says' the guy in the Pirate hat(Pittsburgh Baseball) threw it. Holy molly they think I did it. The police grab me, ruffly I must say, as I was being taken away, many concert goers were yelling he didn't do it. So I'm offered a choice, leave or leave and go to jail. It took me about 0.01 seconds to take the leave option. As I was being escorted out of the arena asked if I could buy a R+ hat, the police person told me I better watch it as I was pushing my luck.
So as I'm driving out of the parking lot, I can hear koRn playing the Twisted Sister song 'We're Not Going to Take It'. Don't know what costumes they were wearing, Me I'm going to take, I'll be back home in about 5 hours -

When the peeps ask me how many times I've seen Rammstein in concert, I always say 10.2 of course the .2 is the above.
At a later date(maybe) I'll write about the two times I was to fly to Europe to see/hear Rammstein, that was more screwed up than my Halloween adventure.

Rammstein RULES!!!:rock:

EDIT ... forgot this, as I was driving home from that show, a thought occurred to me. Rammstein only let women backstage after their shows. So if we were arrested at the same time, maybe we would of been locked up together and I could of made some German friends???