concert horror stories!!!!!

Ahhh, so this is the thread that sparked the picture thread. Nice! I'll still say that besides the people here I already know, I don't recognize the rest of ya!

To get back on topic, honestly, the worst concert experiences I have had have been at non-metal shows. Sure I've experienced late start times, early start times, bad sound and being so hot that I thought I was going to die. I've never had a problem with fights or people puking/pissing on me, etc.

You all may laugh, but I'll share my story anyway.

I went to go see The Strokes up at the Rave in Milwaukee back in 2002. I dug the Strokes and some other bands that were emerging at that time because I liked that whole old "garage band" sound. It was a nice break in between the metal shows. This was at the height of their popularity, so the show was virtually if not in fact sold out. Needless to say it was beyond packed. I've been to packed shows before, no problem. This was beyond ridiculous. To say that I couldn't move one inch would be an understatement. My friend somehow managed to wiggle her way closer. I chose to stay behind. I was getting smashed and the whole "swaying" thing was going on. There's nothing you can do besides go with the flow. At one point, I got pushed pretty hard and ending up getting pushed into a mother that was with her daughter. Her daughter looked like she was maybe 12 yrs. old. The mother immediately turned around and started screaming at me. She threw profanities about my "pushing behavior" and how I was endangering her daughter. This woman actually got up in my face. I repeatedly (and at first calmly) told her that there was nothing that I could do as we were all in the same boat being pushed around in a crowded room. It was as if my lips never moved. She continues to spew profanities at me and starts poking at my chest. At this point I'm getting a bit aggravated and knew that if I let this continue I'd end up in a physical confrontation with this woman. I firmly told her to STOP, calm down and get over it and then forced my way out of the crowd to get out of the situation. I had no desire to have to pounce on this woman in front of her daughter and get kicked out of the venue. I spent the rest of the night in the very back of the room, fuming at what had happened. This woman was so concerned about her daughter, yet it was alright for her to swear up and down in front of her?! If she was that fearful for her daughter's safety, number 1, don't bring her to a concert and number 2, go up in the balcony, away from the general admission madness.

Never had anything like that happened to me at a metal show. This is only one case, but I've had other unpleasant experiences at other non-metal shows. What I have found is that there is such a difference in the types of people that attend these shows. If I get knocked down in the line of fire of the pit at a metal show, I get picked up. If I got knocked over at the Strokes, people would have left me to get trampled. I'm not saying that nothing ever happens at a metal show, I'm just saying that there seems to be more camaraderie.

Whew, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!
Two years ago, a few friends and I went to see Rush at Jones Beach in NY. Now, we were upstairs, and had a guy with a broken leg with us. So, these two knuckleheads decide to stand right in front of him. We politely asked them to sit down, and gave them a reason why. We were told to go fuck ourselves. Since we all dropped a C note each, we tried to get an usher to no avail. Again we explain the situation, and again were told to fuck off. Now, these two are the only ones standing on the upper level. After getting tired of watching our friend not being able to enjoy the show, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

I pulled another friends lighter out of his pocket. I flick the lighter just enough so the idiot can get warm. He turned, and b4 he had a chance to speak, I said to him, "Look, asshole, we all paid big money to see this show. This guy cannot experience it because you assholes want to be the only people up here standing at your seats. Now, (flicking the lighter) if you two don't sit your asses down, you can tell all your friends that you saw Great White!" When that lighter was getting close to a shirt tail, the two sat down real quick. In fact, they were so scared, they waited until we were lonnnnnng gone b4 leaving the building.

Ray C
I just thought of another.
I was mindning my own business at the Fireside Bowl, watching one of my favorite pop punk bands at the time, the TEEN IDOLS. (Yeah, I went through the whole punk thing for the majority of the 90's).

Anyhow, I was standing there watching, when all of a sudden, some prick came up behind me and put me in a full nelson!!!!

I turned around, and guess who it was???????????

(Yep.......Bob) :lol:
I just thought of another.
I was mindning my own business at the Fireside Bowl, watching one of my favorite pop punk bands at the time, the TEEN IDOLS. (Yeah, I went through the whole punk thing for the majority of the 90's).

Anyhow, I was standing there watching, when all of a sudden, some prick came up behind me and put me in a full nelson!!!!

I turned around, and guess who it was???????????

(Yep.......Bob) :lol:

I totally forgot about that show...was Mr.T Experince headlining???
That sounds right. I think we just made 50 people in unison go, "Who???"

Pish Posh, I too went through a punk phase. I know the Mr. T Experience a little bit, I couldnt tell you a song or anything, but I do know my friend used to have their album and I have heard it before fo sho.
I drove the 5 hours to Vegas to see Halford, Testament, Death Angel, and Exhumed. I enjoyed Friday night taking it easy. I go to the casino on Saturday asking them when we will be allowed in. They ask what for. I said the concert. It seems Rob didn't make it back into the country so the concert was off. woohoo, I went to Vegas for nothing.