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dark rider from afar
Aug 26, 2004
Well i have finnally seen The Cradle Of filth concert and it was well worth the one hour line up in the cold. I bought myself a long sleeve t-shirt with all the show dates on the back. The concert started with a band called Moonlight, they were not bad, but I would never buy their Cd, next there was Blinded by faith, excellent band, but yet again not engouh for me to buy a cd.And last there was Cradle, awseome. Anyway, i had much fun and i am wondering if other people are going to see Cradle.
fuck pyrus, honestly why even post if your just gonna say no. keep your stupid elitist opinions to yourself, only speak when spoken to
pyrus only posted in here to show his distaste for cradle right? where the fuck was it asked whether he liked them or not, it was asked if anyone else was seeing them, as pyrus isnt, and from the looks of it doesnt even like the band. why the fuck did he post?
Jaar-Gilon said:
fuck pyrus, honestly why even post if your just gonna say no. keep your stupid elitist opinions to yourself, only speak when spoken to

He did answer the question, didn't he?
Jaar-Gilon said:
pyrus only posted in here to show his distaste for cradle right? where the fuck was it asked whether he liked them or not, it was asked if anyone else was seeing them, as pyrus isnt, and from the looks of it doesnt even like the band. why the fuck did he post?
i presume the question was asked to those who were going to see them, if everybody tat isnt going to see cradle in concert replies. Um is gonna need to get some more Bandwidth
Blacksabbath said:
Anyway, i had much fun and i am wondering if other people are going to see Cradle.

Sorry but i'm not going to see them even if few (and i mean few as in few) metal bands come here in our country. I think Slipknot will come here in the Philippines to have a concert and I'm not seeing them too. Guess, i have to save a lot of money to go to Norway or Sweden.
Hey fellas, here's my impression of Jaar Gilon: :cry:

ahahahaha :lol: I mean seriously, what is with that guy? Am I right or am I right fellas? heh, heh.......
And you guys reckon I do shitty, non-productive posts...
Hey fellas, check it out. Here's my impression of Mr. Toby: :cry: .......heh, heh......heh,heh...............heh.
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