

New Metal Member
Feb 25, 2011
Hi guys, I'm from Belgrade, Serbia. How can I make you want come to us? We adore you here and waiting like entire life for you to come and play. Please COME TO BELGRADE.:grin:
Do you really think they're all going to sit down to read this, then straight after say "LOL OKAY"? Millions and billions of people on their site, facebook, and myspace all say the same thing every passing second, just give it a rest. If they come they come, if not, keep waiting. That's all you can do. This problem is so bad especially on their facebook that it's essentially just become spam.
Hi guys, I'm from Belgrade, Serbia. How can I make you want come to us? We adore you here and waiting like entire life for you to come and play. Please COME TO BELGRADE.:grin:

Aren't they going to Serbia? Did you check the Ugly World Tour tickets? If there isn't one for Serbia, then you can always go to Bulgaria and enjoy the concer there. I know that macedonians got tickets for the concert and I helped few of em with the destination and all that.
Yeah, I know they don't read this but I thought it was worth of shot. My country would never invite them to have a gig, they're inviting Shakira. Who even cares for her?
So I thought I should step up and do everything possible to make Bodom concider us for concert.:)

Sorry for bad english.
Sadly they're not coming. I checked few times just to be sure. I wanted to go with my girlfriend to Budapest in april for concert but we spend our money for Blind Guardian.