

Aug 2, 2002
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1. i could only afford one cd, and instead of getting many numerous albums, i got beyonce's 'dangerously in love' and have been listening to it all day.

2. angelina jolie is so hot i can hardly stand it

3. i walked 9 blocks in the rain just to get a certain kind of hay for freddy because he looked sad when he was poking around the empty bag this morning. i didn't have an umbrella. i wouldn't walk 9 blocks for any human i know in this city.

4. i've had to take cipro since tuesday and since then, i forgot to take all my other medication because i was so fixated on the damn antibiotics.

5. my bedsheets are covered with cartoon pictures of cats playing with balls of yarn.
sweet JESUS

Strangely, most of the women I know find Jolie to be beautiful and most of the men I know find her to be overrated in the looks department. As for myself, I find her to be about a 6 / 10, fairly above average but quite manly and unattractive.
i'm sure it's just a matter of taste. but i think angelina jolie is just really awesome as a person and what not.
man might i add that this morning before going to his grand jury duty meeting my dad called me and i was like 'hey i got the new beyonce cd' and he was like 'i've had that forever'. i was like, wtf?
another confession: to this day i cannot listen to the song 'magic carpet ride' by steppenwolf because it was on the radio when my sister and i crashed the car on our way to school and i got hurt really bad my freshman year. WUSS.
i get really sad when i have negative music associations.

another confession: i'm probably going to inevitably starve myself for the next year or so just to save up $10,000 to do whatever i want and move wherever i want.
i'm suddenly really fixated on saving huge amounts of money. i've never had the urge before so i figure i should run with it.
ok the perved out intern is here again? WTF?
also, i was really bummed out b/c this year i didn't get a house rabbit society calendar from my coworker for christmas (instead i got a sweater, some tea, and a starbucks card, and a virgin mega card) so i come in this morning and there's the calendar. i was so excited i almost started crying.