
May 27, 2001
Well, do you think we (the human race) will be confined to this planet forever or is this just a problem of our underdeveloped civilisation? So much space and untrodden territory out there, and the only thing we can do is overpopulate earth?
some guy told me once that the only way any species from anywhere could ever practically space travel any distance to visit others wouldn't/couldn't be through technology; this could never advance far enough for anyone bound by the laws of physics to actually be able to get to anywhere, it was just too far. He said that we would only be able to travel with the mind, and possibly be advanced enough to move our matter this way as well. But he stated that we would have to be spiritually advanced to be able to do this, the universe would not allow non-spiritually advanced creatures to evolve to this level. LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!

THen he said that there was no reason to believe that any aliens visiting us now were inherently malevolent for these same reasons. :lol:
if the aliens are visiting and they are malicious we would know it by now
oh, well I think we can only perceive malevolence from the human frame of reference - this is the kind of malevolence i mean - any other malevolence (from another frame of reference that is) us humans cannot perceive and, hence, is useless to think about
I'm quite certain that people are doomed. When earth is eaten by the sun there is no mankind. But that's really not a concern because when I'm personally dead it's like world or anything never existed.

By mathematical point of view a life is a very rare thing. Even when conditions are right it doesn't equal life I've been told. But that sounds like I care.
Why does the sun stay a ball and not all fly apart and burn like a firecracker or pig?
Strangelight said:
I reckon theres a few aliens on here (mentioning no names like)
I'm afraid I'll have to report your accusations to the Mother Ship
Strangelight said:
"Mother Ship" is such powerful wording. I was always facinated by this.
for us lost vessels at open sea it has an undeniable attraction indeed
nomana-nuniyan said:
some guy told me once that the only way any species from anywhere could ever practically space travel any distance to visit others wouldn't/couldn't be through technology; this could never advance far enough for anyone bound by the laws of physics to actually be able to get to anywhere, it was just too far. He said that we would only be able to travel with the mind, and possibly be advanced enough to move our matter this way as well. But he stated that we would have to be spiritually advanced to be able to do this, the universe would not allow non-spiritually advanced creatures to evolve to this level. LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!

THen he said that there was no reason to believe that any aliens visiting us now were inherently malevolent for these same reasons. :lol:

Did he have a freezer full of his own piss?