The End of the World

Well if we're not dead by the time our sun runs out of hydrogen, the universe expands to the point of freezing, or until our Galaxy collides with Andromeda we might all die from fighting over the last natural resources since all you fucking losers are into video games and would never think about science as a career.
Hmm, I'm quite a spiritual person myself, but I just find it hard to believe that the end of the world will be the way we see it. All those movies and stories, even the holy books, they all portray it in such a plastic way, that we all have this image already, trumpets howling, the sky turning red or black or whatever and all that stuff. I see it more as a metaphor, though I'm not really able to explain why. They've already given so many dates, 2000, no, 2006, no, 2012, 2026 or 2300. I'm really interested in this kind of stuff but I really don't understand mankind's eagerness to find out about it. That doesn't avoid the actual event anyway, no matter when/if it ever happens. I heard people saying it might have happened already, how could we know? And I can totally understand what they mean.
Anyway, I guess it all comes from man's need to believe in his ability of catching a glimpse of the divine and unexplainable. Which I personally find aberrational.
Hmm, I'm quite a spiritual person myself, but I just find it hard to believe that the end of the world will be the way we see it. All those movies and stories, even the holy books, they all portray it in such a plastic way, that we all have this image already, trumpets howling, the sky turning red or black or whatever and all that stuff.

The end of all life is usually seen as an event with the ability to....end all life. Normally such an event isn't portrayed with Volcanoes spewing cinnamon and puppies and everyone breaking out into dance, until we all ascend to whatever afterlife there may be. Historically, death on a massive scale is quite chaotic.
@Cliff: Of course, you're right. I'm just saying that *maybe* we shouldn't take it literally. I mean, I personally don't. Of course all this imagery has a specific purpose, but I only interpret it as a tool of religious...constraint. I don't really know how to express it, I can't find the words, but I'm sure you got my point. It's all up to interpretation.
The way I expressed my opinion sounds ridiculously stupid, but I somehow can't find any better argumentation for what I'm trying to say. If I'll ever have any 'revelation' about this issue, I'll try to clarify it a bit.
We run out of chocolate and people start killing eachother leading to a cruel world war where there is nothing but ENEMIES, only cute bunnies can keep people out of apathy then.
@Cliff: Of course, you're right. I'm just saying that *maybe* we shouldn't take it literally. I mean, I personally don't. Of course all this imagery has a specific purpose, but I only interpret it as a tool of religious...constraint. I don't really know how to express it, I can't find the words, but I'm sure you got my point. It's all up to interpretation.
The way I expressed my opinion sounds ridiculously stupid, but I somehow can't find any better argumentation for what I'm trying to say. If I'll ever have any 'revelation' about this issue, I'll try to clarify it a bit.

The bibles describes the end of the world as a violent onslaught of fire and death, hence why a primarily Christian world, we have that image of the end of the world.

You are saying you are a spiritual person. However, you are saying that imagery in religious texts shouldn't be taken literal. However, religion isn't about imagery and artistic writing. It's about "this shit happened, this shit is real", and to imply that any part of the Bible is just imagery (a poetic device, not normally used in factual texts), is to imply fiction. I agree wholeheartedly.

tld;r: You think Religion is bullshit, but probably don't realize it yet.
I wouldn't go that far as to say religion is bullshit. At least, if one has the common sense to actually pick what they feel it's worth believing, it's fairly real and applicable to one's life, vision and so on. But you just can't take it everything literally, I don't even think it's meant to be so; it's all an instrument to give you the big picture, but you must be detached enough to see it. Fiction, as you said, definitely exists. Anyhow, I think one just needs to transpose whatever good he finds in religion into himself and his moral values, without taking anything for granted or sealed. And when we will be able to do that, the end of the world just won't be such a huge thing to be afraid of. Afterall, the end of the world can refer to one's personal universe exclusively and be even worse than the skies of fire and all. Hmm, I think I've tried to touch too many points in just one tiny paragraph, so I'm sorry it's pretty messed up.

@Ensi: Oh well, you can't know if it will happen after our generation dies. Afterall, it can happen tomorrow. Or another 2000 years later. I would put it differently instead: "If it will end, we'll only find out at that moment anyway. So why care?" :D
I wouldn't go that far as to say religion is bullshit. At least, if one has the common sense to actually pick what they feel it's worth believing, it's fairly real and applicable to one's life, vision and so on. But you just can't take it everything literally, I don't even think it's meant to be so; it's all an instrument to give you the big picture, but you must be detached enough to see it. Fiction, as you said, definitely exists. Anyhow, I think one just needs to transpose whatever good he finds in religion into himself and his moral values, without taking anything for granted or sealed. And when we will be able to do that, the end of the world just won't be such a huge thing to be afraid of. Afterall, the end of the world can refer to one's personal universe exclusively and be even worse than the skies of fire and all. Hmm, I think I've tried to touch too many points in just one tiny paragraph, so I'm sorry it's pretty messed up.

Oh I agree for the most part. Its just how it "should be", isn't how it is. Religion isn't a buffet of beliefs where you pick and choose what sounds good. That is 100% personal morals and ethics, that were drilled into you as a child by your family/surroundings. Don't steal, don't kill, don't lie. Religion is set rules, created by a higher power, used to get people to act a certain way, and if you don't follow those rules than you are to face dire consequences (Eg, "don't make funny faces, your face might get stuck that way!"). These rules are set by the power that created all life, and to go against them is to anger that power, which will usually end up as a natural disaster. Hence why we have people killing each other in grossly mass amounts throughout the world over their religion, but you don't see people killing each other over The Hobbit, or Harry Potter.

So say you like football, and you play for fun with your friends every weekend. Now and then rules get broken, but no one stops the game on every little infraction, that would take away from the fun. Now if you and your friends were playing professionally, the rules would be followed very precise, and if someone fucks up on enforcing the rules, or there is a major disagreement, you can bet on a shitstorm. Or what if you went to play, and there were a bunch of people already mid-game, and you challenge them. They have their rules, you have yours, but you both call it the same game. Arguments, and fighting will happen.

So yeah, religion is bullshit, you believe it, and you don't realize it yet. Believing in Intelligent Design, or Agnosticism is all well in good, as it seems that's what you are describing, and I do have heavily religions friends, but that's always been my stance on religion. So because YOU think that way about religion (and I do agree, except for the "its not bullshit" part :p), doesn't mean the rest of the world does.

Its funny how the worst people in the world happen to be the ones who take holy scripture literally.
^This post is one of the most pleasant I've ever read about this matter. Nicely put.
Afterall, it might be as you said. Which would make me a so-called 'sinner', but I think I got your point on the filtering of the beliefs thing. And even though, by continuing the conversation in this direction, I would only 'get myself into deeper shit', as religion in your vision (and apparently mine too) would say, I can but state the fact that, in order to take each word from the bible as a fact, one has to be either insane or retarded. I just can't put myself in the shoes of those people who just won't let space for interpretation. For me, the holy books are just a guideline with pretty wide boundaries. And their role, as I said, is merely meant to show people the path of goodness and justice, but ONLY as long as they apply it to their inner construction, mentality, affinities etc.
Maybe that's because I always choose the "spiritual but not religious" cliche in order to describe myself. 'Cause, with the risk of repeating myself, I won't state religion in bullshit, simply because I don't fully understand it, so I can't comment that radically on it, given the conditions.

Its funny how the worst people in the world happen to be the ones who take holy scripture literally.
YES. But again, there's also this possibility (which is spreading wider and wider) that people hide behind religion in order to do things they know they shouldn't be doing. Maybe this might also be a reason why religiosity is losing territory and the power to lead both masses and individuals. Being not only unexplainable and irrational, but also, nowadays, an instrument that allows you to do whatever you want, as long as you have the power to do it, of course it's being seen worse and worse. :)
YES. But again, there's also this possibility (which is spreading wider and wider) that people hide behind religion in order to do things they know they shouldn't be doing.

*cough* The Crusades *cough*
"Though shalt not kill...unless hes a Jew, Muslim, Pagan, or the wrong kind of that case bonus points for rape and torture."

I've mainly just been ranting as my family has recently discovered my religious views a few weeks ago actually. Didn't impress my Dad's side (where my last name apparently means 'Church Man' or something), nor the majority of my Mom's side, mainly the uncle who is a minister :S.
Chinese will nuke all the rest of us off the planet. Then magnetic North will shift and kill half the Chinese. :kickass:

Humans are pigs and will inevitably self-destruct sooner than later.
The Pacific Ocean is already a toxic waste and plastic dump on the verge ecological collapse.
*cough* The Crusades *cough*
"Thou shalt not kill...unless hes a Jew, Muslim, Pagan, or the wrong kind of that case bonus points for rape and torture."

:lol: Isn't that the truth......

My view of the world ending is that we're eventually going to overpopulate this damn planet, use up all the resources, and either be forced to find a new planet to inhabit where we can repeat the cycle or else just die out.

No matter what, the only way to stop this is to implement some sort of population control method and put a cap on the resources people consume. But that won't ever happen because Americans are greedy capitalist assholes who can't think of anyone but themselves. So I guess we're boned.