we can't see gravity bend space. however, as presented by einstein, we can tell by the way light behaves when it encounters a massive object that it is logical that gravity warps time and space.
Dark energy/matter are theoretical. They account for the observed expansion of the universe which can't be explained according to our physics alone. They are a mathematical artifice, and no one knows their true nature, or if the intensity of the repulsion will decrease over time. You are making unreasonable assumptions.
Actually, we have.
The distortion of space is a model for a field theory. We observed the results achieved by this field theory and observed time dilation. It's a completely different matter.
You can't be at the speed of light, so saying that time stands still at that velocity has no meaning. And, for your interest, CONGRATULATIONS! You have just divided by zero. When you're moving at speed v relative to an observer, the time he will measure will be the time in your reference frame multiplied by a factor of gamma, which's defined as [1/1-v²/c²]^1/2. If v=c, gamma=1/0 YAY. Stop talking nonsense.
Wrong again. That comes from geological and seismological studies based on known physics. Which's NOT the case with the expansion of the universe.
Science can't be proven. Even less science which we still know nothing about.
they represent the most logical, probable hypotheses we currently have. science has shown that there is some strange form of antimatter, and that baryonic matter represents a very small portion of matter in comparison.
youve heard of the experiment of the clock on earth, and the clock in the plane? the clock in the plane was slower after the experiment, so you're wrong on this.
my point with that was that your blatant and ignorant dismissals are like saying we dont know what the earth's core is composed of because we've never physically been there.
so you're the ignoramus who also says theres no such thing as pure fact, and everything is an opinion?right. i reiterate; certain truths have proven themselves necessarily inherent to our natural world.
That experiment proves naught. It shows a correspondence between the theoretical model and the experiment. Argue with that division by zero, dipshit.
No, they HAVEN'T. You can NEVER prove a physical law. NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER. I can't stress on this enough. You're just being an idiot who sits at home and watchs the discovery channel and thinks he knows something about science. Go read something on epistemology, you need it.
of course it proves something. stop being so close minded.
this is probably the most ignorant thing you've said yet. i say to you; find me proof they don't work. I say it again; sure you may be on your high horse that there is "some unfathomably small possibility our natural laws do not hold true," yet somehow we land rovers gently on mars after traveling half a billion miles. we send men into orbit above the earth to build space stations, which stay in continual orbit. we send probes to the far reaches of our solar system etc. etc. etc. such truths have proven correct for our natural world because they work consistently, and continually prove correct. these are called facts. the denial of fact is completely contrary to science.
It proves the model fits the experiment within an accepted margin of error. Only. That.
The burden of proof isn`t mine. And btw, the rover example is the WORST you could find, because orbital mechanics involving more than three bodies is a problem as of yet unsolved.
Thing is, there`s a difference between natural laws and mathematical expressions for natural laws. The most accurate theory we`ve got is quantum electrodynamics, which has an accuracy of about 10^-12. Which means that there is an ERROR associated with every theory.
In other words: Shut. The. Fuck. Up.
I think some Arab or stuff will decide to blow the world with a nuclear bomb.
Think of it, every single second of our lifes the world could explode from a nuclear bomb
global warming and cooling have been perfectly natural processes for millions of years. Us humans might not even be contributing at all to global warming.