How will the world end? (Serious discussion please.)

The world will most likely end in one of the following scenarios:
1) Swallowed when the sun enters red giant stage. However, the increased strength of the solar winds might push the earth to a safer orbit.
2) If gravity turns out to be more powerful than the force which promotes expansion of the universe, it could crunch back into a single point with all the matter of the universe again.
3) Ripped apart if the expansion of the universe is accelerating(as it many scientists think it is) and so the dark energy wins, and the gravitational force that holds the planet together would simple be overpowered.
4) If neither of those happen(as it could also be, depending on which model we have about the expansion of the universe is right), then essentially we could wait until all particles that make up the earth to decay. It would take an INSURMOUNTABLE amount of time(about 10^100 years I think, but I'm not sure), but this is something we can be pretty much be sure about.

About the humanity, I don't know...and I don't care.

Peace :D

Proven scientific fact that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate...

and really impossible that the "solar winds shall push the earth." we'll be engulfed. and yeah this is morbid. why worry about tomorrow's problems today? :lol:

and before people shit on me, war, famine, global warming, they are today's problems most def. humanitarian causes etc. the earth being swallowed by the sun in a few billion years, tomorrow's problems.
well the earth is gonna end when the sun explodes and the sun is about halfway through its probably another Gazillion years later?

or maybe a third world war
I dunno there are lots of ways
Yeah theres as many ways for humanity to destroy itself as it is for us to get cancer! Fuck you get cancer of everything nowadays:lol: Seems like that atleast...
My only opinion is that someday, the planet will take its revenge on mankind, and we'll all have to say goodbye.

I hope that happens soon, so then i'll have a room for myself in hell. :)
Proven scientific fact that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate...

and really impossible that the "solar winds shall push the earth." we'll be engulfed. and yeah this is morbid. why worry about tomorrow's problems today? :lol:

and before people shit on me, war, famine, global warming, they are today's problems most def. humanitarian causes etc. the earth being swallowed by the sun in a few billion years, tomorrow's problems.

But it's not a proven scientific fact that it will always do so. Nobody understands quite WHY it's expanding.

And no, not really impossible, it's a matter of increased solar activity :)
Bah i doubt the mankind will be around for that long that we would see the planet collide with andromeda. Hell i dont think mankind is around in about 500 years(VERY DOUBTFUL) or even 100 if we go at the speed we are going now towards a Nuclear war:lol: And all this Climate shifting is fuckin serious too...i can promise everyone here that summers in Finland are different than before...its really a pain in the ass. As i remember it when i was kid the warmest time of the year had a temperature average of 22-25 its goddamn 30!!!! Correct me if im wrong:lol: Its just what i remember that the summers havent EVER been this hot before and winters so goddamn shitty and warm. And the warmth doesnt go away quickly thats a fuckin pain too...It can go on like that for a month with extremely little rain and if theres rain it will only be for a moment and then back to the humidity and warmth...On the end of this summer tho it rained like fuck all the fucking time.
global warming and cooling have been perfectly natural processes for millions of years. Us humans might not even be contributing at all to global warming.
But it's not a proven scientific fact that it will always do so. Nobody understands quite WHY it's expanding.

And no, not really impossible, it's a matter of increased solar activity :)

dark energy/matter. you do realize it makes up over 90% of the universe? we have no idea how it works/why it works, just that the matter we know is virtually minuscule in comparision. We could postulate that if gravity indeed bends time and space, it is warping space to accelerate our expansion.

global warming and cooling have been perfectly natural processes for millions of years. Us humans might not even be contributing at all to global warming.

go watch al gore's global warming presentation. wehre as this is a typical pattern, we have vastly accelerated the warming process. we are WAY hotter than we have been in previous years, have WAY more greenhouse gases than we've had in previous cycles, etc.
go watch al gore's global warming presentation. wehre as this is a typical pattern, we have vastly accelerated the warming process. we are WAY hotter than we have been in previous years, have WAY more greenhouse gases than we've had in previous cycles, etc.

I've seen it *sigh*... twice. There have been many arguments accusing al gore of using out of date research and unreliable computer models blablablablabla. It proves nothing definitivley tbh.
dark energy/matter. you do realize it makes up over 90% of the universe? we have no idea how it works/why it works, just that the matter we know is virtually minuscule in comparision.

Dark energy/matter have never been directly observed. I can't stress enough on the fact that no one really knows what operates the expansion of the universe.

And, that would be 70%. Besides, whether or not the big rip will occur depends on the ratio w between dark energy pressure and dark energy density. The big rip is NOT a proven fact.

We could postulate that if gravity indeed bends time and space, it is warping space to accelerate our expansion.

This sentence, however, is devoid of meaning.
Dark energy/matter have never been directly observed. I can't stress enough on the fact that no one really knows what operates the expansion of the universe.

And, that would be 70%. Besides, whether or not the big rip will occur depends on the ratio w between dark energy pressure and dark energy density. The big rip is NOT a proven fact.

what, so we just disregard it? we have so dubbed these strange "things" as dark energy/dark matter and attributed certain characteristics that we can deduce by its behavior. we've never directly observed atoms, but we know how they behave. are you going to tell me its shit just cause you can't see it?

we can't see gravity bend space. however, as presented by einstein, we can tell by the way light behaves when it encounters a massive object that it is logical that gravity warps time and space.

or that time stands still at the speed of light. we've never come close to achieving such speeds, however all evidence points to the fact that time stands still at the speed of light. what, just because we haven't directly observed it means it holds no validity?

have we ever been to the earth's core? then how would we know its composition? by the way the earth behaves. so that's complete bullshit.

This sentence, however, is devoid of meaning.

it was an innuendo to your direct dismissal of PROVEN science.
I've seen it *sigh*... twice. There have been many arguments accusing al gore of using out of date research and unreliable computer models blablablablabla. It proves nothing definitivley tbh.

yeah, al gore and scores of other PHD's who beleive the earth is unnaturally warming. go get one of those, then I might listen a bit more.
it will never end
every will die but the world will still be there and then like something will start and do colonys and then those colonys all fight each other and then the wounded will have sex and have wounded babys that will grow to be wounded people and they will separate the wounded from the normal people and have like 2 countrys and it will be a race who can destroy the other but sharks will walk and eat all the normal people so when the wounded atack the normal people there will only be like hafe man hafe shark people that find the wounded atractive so they will have sex and have like hafe normal hafe shark and hafe wounded babys that will grow up to be super smart and like defeat the sun for no reason and build like lights with lawn so there will be like super a lot of lights and then the aliens will see those lights and eat the planet but we will still live in the aliens till we get shitted out in another dimension and then jesus will find us and be all like wtf happened jesus christ i stop looking at the planet for 12 secondes and this is what you do... come on now lets all build lawnmore tractors and kill the ugly girafes
what, so we just disregard it? we have so dubbed these strange "things" as dark energy/dark matter and attributed certain characteristics that we can deduce by its behavior.

Dark energy/matter are theoretical. They account for the observed expansion of the universe which can't be explained according to our physics alone. They are a mathematical artifice, and no one knows their true nature, or if the intensity of the repulsion will decrease over time. You are making unreasonable assumptions.

we've never directly observed atoms, but we know how they behave. are you going to tell me its shit just cause you can't see it?

Actually, we have.

we can't see gravity bend space. however, as presented by einstein, we can tell by the way light behaves when it encounters a massive object that it is logical that gravity warps time and space.

The distortion of space is a model for a field theory. We observed the results achieved by this field theory and observed time dilation. It's a completely different matter.

or that time stands still at the speed of light. we've never come close to achieving such speeds, however all evidence points to the fact that time stands still at the speed of light. what, just because we haven't directly observed it means it holds no validity?

You can't be at the speed of light, so saying that time stands still at that velocity has no meaning. And, for your interest, CONGRATULATIONS! You have just divided by zero. When you're moving at speed v relative to an observer, the time he will measure will be the time in your reference frame multiplied by a factor of gamma, which's defined as [1/1-v²/c²]^1/2. If v=c, gamma=1/0 YAY. Stop talking nonsense.

have we ever been to the earth's core? then how would we know its composition? by the way the earth behaves. so that's complete bullshit.

Wrong again. That comes from geological and seismological studies based on known physics. Which's NOT the case with the expansion of the universe.

it was an innuendo to your direct dismissal of PROVEN science.

Science can't be proven. Even less science which we still know nothing about.