How will the world end? (Serious discussion please.)

Very unlikely. It would take many of the smartest brains to come together and build such a thing. I doubt they would put years of hard work to blow up the world :lol: A lot harder than you think.

...but it takes just 1 stupid person to actually deploy it when its done.

I doubt a nuke is THAT powerful...nevertheless...a global nuclear war might just wipe out humanity.
Dear God...

I'm not denying that we don't cause it :lol: Hell I recycle and walk/ride a bike everywhere and shit. I'm just saying that global warming has been going on for millions of years, this temperature increase could have happened naturally eventually anyway.
No, I'm a history student :lol: so I never take one source of information as the definite answer :p
No, I mean you're right that it is possible it would have occurred naturally but I don't think it would be this extreme. There's lots of data that suggests it's more likely caused by mankind than the disinformation put out by people who have a lot to gain by denying global warming.
Well im sure people have already said, i dont feel like reading the whole thread. but according to mayan/pre-mayan calendars. it was split up into a huge segment of time and the ending of the mayan calendar is december 21'st (winter solstice) 2012. nostradamus also predicted the end of the world in 3797. according to Quran code it would occur in 2280. and according to a religious group in britian, they interepted the bible and said it will happen in March 21st 2008 due to a massive world war. but then again pope leo XI stated that the end of the world would be in 500 years, he said this in 1514 so in 2014 the end of the world will be here. so who the fuck knows?