Confused about order in vocal chain

Have to say, when I tried the CLA stuff I preferred LA2A first and 1176 after that, with the LA2A doing the main compression and the 1176 pushing back the unwanted stuff that the LA2A was too slow for.

It seems most people prefer it the other way, because supposedly the 1176 is better at chopping off large peaks, and then the 2A can smooth it out from there without having to work too hard.
My vocal chain tend to look like this:

Kind of interesting that many of you put saturation post compression. I tend to put mine pre because I like it when vocals distorts a bit on the belted notes and is clear on more brittle singing.
Deessers are post- or pre-comps, I've never been completely satisfied with them though. I'm going to give having it in between the compressors a shot, might be the middle ground I've been looking for.
My vocal chain changes a lot cause i try different things. Here is the vocal chain for a band i'm mixing today.

C1 comp
Q8 eq
My vocal chain tend to look like this:

Kind of interesting that many of you put saturation post compression. I tend to put mine pre because I like it when vocals distorts a bit on the belted notes and is clear on more brittle singing.
Deessers are post- or pre-comps, I've never been completely satisfied with them though. I'm going to give having it in between the compressors a shot, might be the middle ground I've been looking for.

I put saturation last if at all because I only want to effect the finalized vocal sound, i.e. post EQ & comp. That's me though ...

Can't speak for the rest of you white devils