
Katatonia&Hypocrisy Fan
Sep 4, 2005
Well,sorry if someone already wrote something like this,but I didn't find it so here is what I want to say: I am really greatful for Paul and others from the band members for keeping this forum so 'alive' and I really didn't ever see some other band members to write so frequently and is always ready to discuss all themes with all fans around the world..really,I am happy for that, and I have much more respect for you than for example 'Hypocrisy' where the board is fucking dead all the time!!I know Peter is very buisy man,but NEVER to write some news or I don't know what for their fans is sad... so...that is my first post here,althrough I adore you and listen to you music several years are great, keep going like that!!!

CHEERS!! :headbang:
Novembers Doom strike me as good human beings, not just excellent musicians. The posting by bandmembers gives insight to their music,methinks. I too am grateful for their involvement. Thanx.
Thanks guys, that is always nice to hear that our participation on here is appreciated. Truth is that we post on here all the time because we enjoy talking with people and are genuinely interested in hearing people's input on things (even when it's sometimes not so nice haha). If people have questions about songs, lyrics, musical equipment, or even just stuff like what we like to eat and watch on tv, haha, we're happy to chat about it.
Thanks Doom_Death, we've always said it was important to talk to people, and include them in this with us. We would not have the oportunity to keep recording music, if people didn't support us and buy the music, so this is just something very simple we can do to say "thanks."
Man..that is what I call 'fast answers'..I really respect you guys...this is not very important topic, but it is cool to talk like band members like have that filling of 'normal,casual people' that have privat lives,wifes,children,etc...and not some 'Gods' know what I mean...'ah,just another fan...fuc* him...' That's cool :headbang:
I know I goof around here a lot (maybe to the point where the band is tempted to tell me where to stick it!), but in all seriousness, how approachable the guys are is what has increased my interest in the band even further.

I was hooked after first hearing THE KNOWING, and then was blown away after PALE HAUNT came out.

After seeing the band last summer in Wheaton, I began coming to this forum. As most of you know, I have been here almost every day since! :lol:
Yeah I remember the Wheaton show well. That was a good gig, I'm sorry to hear that place is closed now. There's fewer and fewer good venues for metal shows in the Chicagoland area anymore, particularly all ages ones.
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
Yeah I remember the Wheaton show well. That was a good gig, I'm sorry to hear that place is closed now. There's fewer and fewer good venues for metal shows in the Chicagoland area anymore, particularly all ages ones.

I didn't know that placed closed. Kind of a bummer.
It was a nice and big venue, though could use some updating.
Though it added to the charm.

Larry - you make an excellent point. It isn't easy for a younger guy or gal to get into the local scene as most local bands play bars.
I recall growing up getting flyers for bands like Trouble, Zoetrope, etc, and saying, "well, it's a bar show, so I can't go"

The only time I was able to catch Trouble was when they opened for Slayer (and consequently got booed off stage!!)
Yes fan interaction is important, and Novembers Doom realize this, although I am not a frequent poster at this forum, I do really respect that you guys are so interactive with the fans on this forum. For you to know that the band does give a shit and listens to what you say means a lot.