Consider this my first decent guitar recording


Mar 11, 2008
Hey fellas!

Last week i finally bought some decent recording equipment.
Today was pretty much the first time i played around with my amp and an SM57 in front of it. (Well i did with my bands old demo long time ago, but that was an awfull Randall combo with some cheap ass mic in front of it, sounded bad)

The chain is Marshall Valvestate 8080 combo (i think, it's an old one) -> Shure SM57 -> Focusrite Saffire Pro 40.

It's pretty thin sounding, but this might be solved with a bassguitar underneath. And by all means, i'm not an guitarist whatsoever. It isn't that bad, but not great either. Excuse the sloppy playing, but it's about the tone for now ;)

Hope you enjoy and if you've got any comments/feedback, please let me know :)
Im gathering this is just double tracked yeah?
I'm thinking if you quad track this with SUPER tight playing and a nice compressor you could get an awesome thick saturated tone :D
I'm quite liking it!
Thanks dudes! :)

Yeah it's only double-tracked, probably gonna end up testing some quad-tracking later on. See how that works out. I think this little amp would be very suitable for some E-Standard Thrash Metal :)