My first decent attempt, much love <3


Oct 7, 2009
I would first like to thank everyone on these forums for making the Sneap Forums (IMO) the most valuable resource online for recording information. I wouldn't know a compressor from an amp sim if it weren't for this place haha.

Since my Dropbox is being buggy and the player here is actually pretty decent, I'll just post my band's reverbnation link:

It's been a long time coming since we decided to do it completely on our own (mostly because we had no fucking idea how much work is truly involved), and thought it would be quicker... lawl. And everything was basically done in my basement with no acoustic treatment unfortunately.

On the bright side, I'm really glad we did. I know it isn't the greatest mix around, and I'm almost embarrassed to post it on the forums beside these awesome mixes that many people here have produced, but it represents my growth in knowledge throughout a year (I honestly didn't know shit-all) and I am proud of it.

In case anyone is wondering what I used on my nooby mix:

Drums- OHs all natural, snare and kick are ours lightly blended with others, toms had to be completely replaced though.

Rhythms are Schecter Hellraiser /w EMG81 -> Maxon OD808 -> 5150 -> Marshall 1960A -> Single Shure SM57

Leads are through an LTD Alexi600 /w Blackouts, same signal chain with a few EQ modifications.

Bass- LTD F series 5 string, 4 channels, one take. Split the signal as per usual for different compression. One channel is a miced Peavey VB-2 with Ampeg cab, and one highpassed and amp sim'd for extra slime.

Vocals were nothing special, Shure58.

Drums were brutal to record at my drummer's house. He likes to party and on several occasions some asshat came in and actually took down one of the OH mics to use the stand for fucking Rockband -_- The joys.

Anyway, I hope that you at least enjoy the songs if not the mix. Thanks a lot to all who took the time to look at this.
sounds good! I'm currently working on recording my band in a pretty bad environment. Mics get bumped, singer wants to mess around and record freestyle stuff while drum mics are all set up, etc......I think he gets really bored sitting around while hearing that goddamn metronome all day. :p
Only treatment is sound control insulation. Concrete floor. So far I think I got a decent drum sound. Taking a different approach and trying to get everything sounding best from the source unlike last time, where drums were rushed and I had to apply insane amounts of EQ to get shit to cut right. Now I'm taking the subtractive method and trying to take away freqs before boosting. Seems my snare and kicks just dont cut without being boosted in the high end where your snare there cuts really well.
Thank man!

That stuff can drive someone nuts, if they don't want to take it seriously while recording then tell them to GTFO. I personally wouldn't have the whole band there while recording one member's part as that can lead to the boredom that your singer felt and might make your drummer nervous if he hasn't had a lot of experience playing with clicks.