My first attempt at mixing


Dirty Man-Horse
Jan 14, 2008
NSFW! This song is my first attempt at mixing so be gentle.:lol: Also it might just be how my speakers are setup but it sounds like the mix is really heavy on the right side and almost completely dead on the left. Please let me know if you hear this. But any and all advice would be helpful thanks! Ps This is a joke song.
Your mix sounds really thin, as if every instruments lacks of a wider frequency range.

The mix could benefit of a bass ( or you should bring up the bass if there is one cause I can't feel it)

+1 for posting a Wav format, since we can always give a better judgement of mixes if they are posted as is.
There isn't any comp on the snare or kick. Would I just want a high threshold, Low ratio like 2:1, fast attack and release? Updated link with Guitar and vocals turned up also comp on kick and snare.. HERE
second time is definitely better, but sounds like all the low frequencies have just been completely sucked out and like its playing through a phone or something =/ info on the master chain?
Did you check the one I cranked the low end? I played in my car and I actually had to bring it down a little bit cuz it was making the subs go crazy.