Considering Pro Tools, need opinions.


Apr 19, 2007
Sacramento, CA
Im running Nuendo 2 on a MAC G4 at the moment and I am thinking in the long run that I will want to get into Pro Tools HD.

I am enrolled to take a Pro Tools 101 Class in the Fall 2007.

I know they will have some MBox's provided for class, but I was considering buying a simple Mini MBox or something for home so I can use it outside of class for practice and whatnot.

When I consider the price at around $299 and the possibility of eventually switching over to Pro Tools anyway, I am wondering if I should just spend a little more and get the Digirack 002 for $999 which I am told could interface with my existing RME/Nuendo 96k 8 I/O AD/DA Converters via ADAT. Then I would have a functional Pro Tools LE recording setup.

As far as Nuendo 2 is concerned, I dont have anything crucially specific to that program that would scare me from leaving it for another program.

Most of my plugins and such will carry over to Pro Tools LE.

So I guess my question is would it be worth the switch from Nuendo 2 to Pro Tools LE? Quality and capability wise?

It seems like the Recording Industry is Pro Tools driven and I would be more adaptable in studio situations being a Pro Tools user than using Nuendo which has been fine for home use.

My main gripe with Nuendo is merely some of its performance issues and a few concerns with the Nuendo 96/52 audio card which I think is giving me some latency clicks and pops on guitars. Just tired of trying to fix little issues and want a solid system.

My normal plan would have been to Upgrade to the Newest Version of Nuendo when it comes out which I assume is going to be $700 anyway.

I could pay $999 now for a new Digirack 002 and wait a few years to build up my cash for an HD setup later.

Any advice from users who may have experienced both Steinberg and Digidesign setups?
Well first off, if you are thinking of PT HD already...don't buy anything more then an mbox mini or maybe an mbox. Save money, get into the TDM stuff as soon as you can.

As far as going from neundo 2 to LE.....that's a tough one.

I use PT HD at my studio, but I have neundo installed on my miko open labs workstation. I love both programs, but I like PT more. HOWEVER, that is mostly cause of some features that LE doesn't have (TDM, Beat Detective which apparently you can get in LE now, higher track counts etc). I think if you are willing to sacrafice some functionality and processing abilities, you'll be happy with LE. If you are into big track counts you might want to reconsider.

Just my thoughts....
I am not sure how Pro Tools LE would work on my G4 1.2 Ghz with 2GB memory, but I am pretty much recording Drums in 1 session, then bouncing them down to a stereo track in a new session where I finish with the guitars, bass, then vocals.

Otherwise I start having issues with performance. Especially when using drumagog, EQ, and Reverb on drums.

I would have to see how LE reacts.

But as far as total number of tracks, I haven't passed the 32 tracks LE is capable of in my sessions.

I guess the reason I would consider the Digirack 002 would be to use Pro Tools as my recording interface and have the maximum inputs possible like I would use on my Nuendo Setup for drums and such.

With the Mini's etc. I would be limited to a few tracks and wouldn't be able to record full drums setups like I do now.

And HD1 seems to be a while away since its about $4000-$8000 used or new.

So to me spending $1000 on an LE isnt so bad because its alot harder to come up with $8000 than it is $1000 if that makes any sense.

Not too mention I will need at least 1 piece of Digidesign hardware to even run HD.

As soon as I sell my truck or kidney I will upgrade to HD.
Also, I am wondering if anyone can tell me how the ADAT on the Digirack002/003 would interface with my existing Nuendo/RME 96K 8 I/O Converters.

I was told I could connect the RME's to a Digirack 002 or HD96 I/O Converter via ADAT.

On the 002 through the ADAT connection.

I know the 002 has 18 possible tracks.

So I am wondering if I wanted to connect my 2 RME's using the ADAT Through on the RME's looped into the Digirack 002, would I use 16 inputs of the RME's and 2 channels of the Digirack 002 for a total of 18?

I think Andy even has his RME's somehow connected to his HD setup?

Anyone know how this setup would work?
You can only have 18 total with the 002/3... using the supplied 10 inputs and an additional 8 from your adat connection.

the LE software wont let you do more than the 18 tracks...

If you're going to upgrade your interface and whatnot.. save up another $400 and upgrade your processor... you can upgrade it to a dual 1.6 for $400... plus shipping... and then you should be A LOT better off...
You know, this came up before when I was asking about M-powered; honestly, how could someone POSSIBLY need to record more than 18 things at once?!
On the LE hardware Digidesign only allows 8 channels of ADAT in & out.

The 002 and 003 both have only 8 analog inputs. The last 2 inputs are available via SPDIF, for a total of 18 simultaneous inputs.

The M-Audio Lightbridge with a certain version of PT can provide 36 simultaneous inputs, and although they never acknowledged it, Digi promptly fixed that bug.
It seems like the Recording Industry is Pro Tools driven and I would be more adaptable in studio situations being a Pro Tools user than using Nuendo which has been fine for home use.


And honestly, all the little LE specs about less track counts inputs and stuff that people are chatting about are all things that have never really affected me. In three years, I have never needed to track over 18 inputs at once, and although I have had a few little issues with bumping into the maximum 32 track count, it has always been easily manageable in one way or another and I haven't been bothered by it. The only substantial thing that makes me want to step up to HD at some point, is the fact that the HD cards do all the processing...that, and of course the fact that I would then be on par with the big studios. Someone inform me if there's something I'm really overlooking, but I've used Pro Tools HD several times, and in my situations it was really no different to me at all than using LE at home. Essentially all the basic functions are identical...I really don't understand why people like to hack on Pro Tools LE so much.
how could someone POSSIBLY need to record more than 18 things at once?!

my common tracking scenario with just recording a 5 pc. kit
kick in
kick out
snare top
snare bottom
oh L
oh R
room L
room R
kick trigger
snare trigger
t1 trigger
t2 trigger
t3 trigger
scratch vox
scratch gtr
scratch gtr
scratch bass

thats 20 inputs just to get drum tracks
i usually do one scratch guitar track while doing drums. I've never been in a situation where a drummer can't track his parts with one guitar. I've tracked drummers where they had a click and nothing else and they slayed their tracking. These were also stellar drummers! I haven't used triggers in a long while when tracking drums either but to each their own, whatever makes the best recording for you and your clients ya know? LE does have obvious limits but almost any daw in someones eyes will not offer everything under the sun for every possible project. Hell even PT hd has shitty ass midi capability when compared to other daw's as far as notation is concerned :P