Considering the Profire2626


Mar 22, 2006
So In the next few months i want to upgrade my Home rig.
The 002 control surface just doesn't get used much these days and I'd rather a nice rack soloution .
Considering the profire 2626 amongst others.
This is Just for editing and a little mixing so I'm not looking to spending MASSIVE ammounts of money, as I do most of my recording at other studios, and I'm sure the A/d d/a is a step up from the 002 anyway.

Just a few questions,
How does it get on with Pro-Tools 9 in terms of intergrating into the software and stability?

Can you COMPLETLY bypass the pres on it?

What exactly does a user assignable master volume mean?
Can you COMPLETLY bypass the pres on it?
Line inputs have no gain control. They're just unity gain inputs if that's what you're asking.
What exactly does a user assignable master volume mean?
Basically, there's no volume control in the analog stage for better or worst.
It's all controlled from the dsp, so you can decide wich output can use the external knob or not.
Kinda meh but I guess it was a less expensive design.
Also, if you want to avoid conflicts, it's better to use it only for recording tasks.
It sucks as an everyday multimedia interface.
Don't know about PT9, but since it's no longer hardware dependent, I think it should be fine (as long as the software itself is stable).
Why do you say that? I love my Profire :D
Because, it doesn't handle constant sampling rate changes very well, sometimes causing the infamous bsod on windows systems.
And Avid support won't do anything about it.
Because, it doesn't handle constant sampling rate changes very well, sometimes causing the infamous bsod on windows systems.
And Avid support won't do anything about it.

On Windows this is true, the 2626 rapes you. But on Mac... I can switch rates all day (which I do since I run my TV into it ((COD through my monitors \m/)) which outputs audio @ 48kHz but I run Cubase @ 44.1kHz), turn it off/on with the computer on and shit and it doesn't crash my comp or even flinch. In fact, I've never had an issue with this interface, not a single one. Ever.
Basically, there's no volume control in the analog stage for better or worst.
It's all controlled from the dsp, so you can decide wich output can use the external knob or not.
Kinda meh but I guess it was a less expensive design.

Personally I like being able to choose what the master volume controls. Means I can turn down the level of my monitors without effecting headphone sends or reamp level.
I wouldn't want that. I would want to have both the benefit of the dsp and a real smooth analog volume control istead of that weird "scaled" volume control.
Doesn't feel right to me.
But maybe I'm just nitpicking.
Burny: I feel you on that. However, it was only really an issue when first using the 2626, after a while I got use to it and it wasn't much of a big deal. That said, after a couple of months of that I decided to get a TC Level Pilot, now I keep the master on the 2626 at a set level and use the LP to control the volume of my monitors, works great.