Conspiracy Theories


Mar 12, 2014
Are any of you Conspiracy Theorists, or believe in any Conspiracy Theories? If so, what do you believe?

I have a few, but I think that there is a global agenda to purposefully attempt to fulfill prophecy in an attempt to make world religions seem true to perpetuate their cause and to benefit Abrahamic religion's goal to dominate the globe with three religions while attempt to eradicate everyone else, spiritually.

I think that they monitor all areas of the internet, illegally, and they track and know more about people, but they just don't say anything, and they don't keep it, but just tell someone. People know things without record and they monitor certain people and strategize according to the actions and beliefs of certain people that they choose.

I think that Bobby Fischer was right about the Jews.

I think the Zodiac Killer wasn't a real serial killer, but a made-up one in a bigger attempt to frame someone, which is a part of the agenda that no one talks about. I think they purposefully perpetuate the NWO idea as a distraction to their real goals, the Zodiac Killer being one of them. They spiritually frame people.

I think they faked Saddam Hussein's death Lord Blackwell style.

...and the list goes on.

What about you guys?
Obviously, conspiracy theorists are just Illuminati, Scientologists, Westboros, etc who are purposefully concocting schemes to draw attention away from themselves, enabling them to pull the strings while we're all too distracted by conspiracy theories to focus on what really matters.

The fact is that conspiracy theories are an inside job and riding the conspiracy band wagon has been the leading cause of autism and cervical cancer since Hitler and Jesus took down the twin towers of Zion by filling them with chem trails and projecting flammable plane holograms at them.

Conspiracy theorists are also responsible for inventing AIDS and spreading it to urban minorities, but our Wall Street-owned media isn't going to tell you about that.
I also think that there are spies all over the internet specifically spying on people they consider to be 'counter culture' or 'their enemies' as a way to study them in preparation for some next move because apparently they consider the counter culture to be their enemies. They spy on other religions, especially the non-Abrahamic ones against their will. They do not have good intentions. They hide information on history, manipulate history, and assassinate the characters of those who get in their way.

I think that they purposefully edit documentaries, television shows, books, and various websites according to their agenda, and they attempt to control the world's knowledge by purposefully giving incorrect information, keeping the truth away from the public, wording textbooks to fit an agenda, purposefully disparaging the characters of those they do not like by making the person out to seem like something they're not, and work in groups to achieve this goal to make them more believable than the individual.

I believe they fake prophet stories, purposefully fulfill prophecies in an attempt to make them true, not by their own inherent truthfulness, but as a way to make religion seem true by playing the roles found within it so as to give it weight.

They have, in the past, attempted a mass conversion and attempted a mass exorcism, fake miracles, lie, cheat, steal, and do whatever it is they have to do to keep their religions in place.

And they purposefully inject religious imagery and wording into various forms of entertainment, such as movies, television, and music, some of which is not directly done, some of which is, and they purposefully exploit specific people and use them for their ends, sell their stories against their will.

And they expect certain individuals to sell out to them in some way. They expect those they attempt to intimidate and harm to negotiate, make deals, betray themselves and/or defile themselves if they don't comply.

They curse peoples' names, they have people killed, they purposefully attempt to destroy in an attempt to provoke. And then they will taunt you via the media, hack your machine, and make you feel like the worst person in the world with that goal to emotionally and spiritually destroy.

And then they'll think they own you. Or attempt to make you believe that. Forced suicides, use murderers, and if they think you're important enough...try to save you, turn you into Jesus, or make you believe them to be the enemy to play into their scheme.

Josephus --> JoSEphUS --> JSEUS --> JESUS

"I and my father are one." John 10:30

The Council of Nicea was put together to find out how to exalt/deify Josephus. Josephus wrote the original story, and the gap in Jesus' life between childhood and supposed ministry is Josephus' life before he wrote the story. The relationship between father and son was clarified at the Council of Nicea, by their own admission, because the story was, as mentioned before, purposefully written as a false-messiah story and they burned down the Library of Alexandria after constructing the story, tying in various parts of important texts, in an attempt to claim the knowledge for themselves to spite the Greeks and Egyptians. One of their strategies is to create the problem, then solve the problem as the 'heroes' to make it seem like the problem was always there, and that they were the heroes give themselves credit for solving a problem that they created in the first place.

They know this.

They will use you and they will frame you is a common theme.