Contest #1 Cover @Matt and Travis and all


Mar 10, 2002
Nachrodt / Germany

We're already talking about cover contest #2...

But we ain't got a cover artwork for the contest #1 CD yet.

What about a "Cover Design Contest" for the cover contest #1 CD?? And some kind of poll after all entries are there.

That would be cool... wouldn't it?

Maybe Matt and Travis (our professionals) could do one each, too??

Whatcha think about it?

So long

ambitious people both :p

i actually like both...
I prefer the photo on Unicorn's cover a bit more,but i don't like that lettering.... the pic is quite dreamy/sad/emotional/whatever,while these letters are two plain,they don't match well to my eyes.....
On Nico's i don't understand what exactly the picture's hmmm puzzling ;) But i like the strange letters....

well,both pics are hübsch!! and i'd rather shut up instead of complaining about the letters,since when it comes to art i am a failure :rolleyes:
Bravo boys! :)

EDIT: Plagued by alzheimer as i am,i forgot to mention that the idea of having a cover contest is very cool!
Alright y'all, I spent about 20 minutes or so on a few covers for your coversong compilation. I really do not have time to do a full version, hi-res and all that, just supplying some inspiration.

Check 'em out:

I think the first and third look like Dillinger Escape Plan covers, and the last was supposed to be the booklet for Alive Again.....
Hi Travis!

Ehm... what we're doing here :) : we (the members of the Dan Swanö forum) did a Nightingale cover song contest ... just for ourselves and to praise Dan. :worship:

But it shall be a real CD some day. And therefor we need a cover.

If you're interested and have a little time, it would be cool if you could do a cover suggestion yourself for us, too.
Just if you want.

By the way, by now I like Matt's last one on best... let's see what else comes out of anyone else... ;)

So long

I like all the covers,some more some less.... I like Matt's third one's the most romantic and dreamy (and i've already associated with sth :rolleyes: ) ...and then I like Unicorn's...
