
Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
We do this weird trivia contest thing here at work.

As most of you know (or have figured out) my first name is Jason.

Well, today's Trivia Question is as follows:

Why could Jason's nickname be 7 - 11?

(One hint I can give is that you don't need to know anything about me personally to get the answer...)

I can give out more hints as time goes on....

The first person to guess this correctly will win a NOVEMBERS DOOM - NOVELLA RESERVOIR poster!
(No, this contest is NOT authorized by the band or The End Records. I am on the street team, and have received posters to distribute at stores, shows, etc. Figured this could be fun!)
Here's some more stuff I came up with :)P)

-They rhyme
-Jason (5 letters) 7, and 11 are all prime numbers <--- Probably violating the number rule. :lol:
-They all end in N, which is pretty much the same as rhyming but whatever.
7 = July
July = J = Jason

If the above is not quite right, J is also January which is your birthday I think?

11 = November
November = Novembers Doom

Jason, AKA 7-11 = me winning a Novembers Doom poster amirite?! :p

Edit: Boo I got beat.
Dear lord Pate.. you are SO close!!!!!

Bob - Well, we could talk about how excited you are about this year's line-up, but that would be the shortest lived thread ever.