

crunchy frog
Oct 16, 2001
Hey... so, I think it'd be good if we tried to organize some sort of list of IM names, etc... I've dropped by the #katatonia chat room occasionally, and it's usually pretty empty, so maybe also it'd be a good idea to arrange some sort of standard time when people could all drop in there and hang out... (Hobo, that's you right? What do you think?)

But yeah, if anyone'd like to drop me a line, I use AIM, sn: theworldgoesaway ... I'm almost always online, and drop a message even if it says I'm away/idle... I may or may not really be there, just hiding ;) So yeah, post your sn's here!
If we're talking about conversations has anyone here the program IRC ?? It's like a big community where there are so called "channels", a few months ago i opened a channel called Katatonia there, if you are firm with IRC, it's #Katatonia !
You can join that channel at anytime, i'm there!
The problem is that me and In2thenight are the only ones there up to now, so it would be cool if some of you would join so we'd finally have the chance to talk a bit!!

You can download the program here :
Just install it, get yourself a username and just connect and logg on to #katatonia and there you are!

Hey elric, yeah that would be cool, sort of a unique time to drop by there, i'm in it!!
hey... i know that hobo's got a channel that seems to get a bit more traffic... Euro undernet #katatonia... what server is yours on? might want to check out hobo's (the info's in one of the stickyposts on here), and i'll drop by yours if you'll tell me where it is ;)
yes, definitely are... on irc, you have servers like EFNet and DalNet, and channels, like #katatonia... when you open mIRC, you either have to type something like /server or you have to select it from a list, i think? what server are you using? that's key to being able to find your channel :)
If anyone feels like talking to me main program I use is AIM. Im on MSN, ICQ and Yahoo also.

AIM: Diva Satanica

If anyone wants to contact me by any of those other methods...PM me, or Message me on AOL.

I could always use someone to talk to.
Well :)
My page is always there,
The server is Undernet, and you may use mIRC (link in falling birds post) too if you whant too.
So far, most of us ppl there are european, so most active time is between 7 and 10 PM CET.
we do have two girls that is from south america that drop in at midnight time CET though..
However, i (Hobo there too :) ) have work and life to do also, so unfortunately i cant always be there.... i try my best...
If we dont answer emidiatly (is that how it is spelled?) you may just hang around a while, and someone will be there eventualy..
the more ppl there the more chatting we get :)

If we should set up a chat time, i think weekends would be best, considering that the hole world can log on then, no matter what time it is :)

Perhaps we could even talk Anders and Jonas into joining us for a few questions? or perhaps Jesse might? :) we may always hope..

Anyhow, i think this sounds like a good idea :)

Join us anytime! :D

btw... it is 2 AM and i am drunk, bare with me for not being bright... :)

Edit: i think i use the :) smiley too much...
hey hobo... i stopped in earlier, and talked to a few folks... i do think that setting up a time would be cool though, just that way could get more people together... i'd guess maybe sometime around 10-12 midnight in europe, as that would be mid evening in america, on a weekend? figure out what you think best, and let us know, i think it'd be really fun to get a bunch of us together to chat :)