My conversation


is behind you.
May 25, 2001
New Hampshire
Someone randomly IMed me today. The conversation is going on right now still. This is someone with crappy musical taste, and I couldn't find the right way to tell him "This fucking sucks". Also, during our little chat, the font all of the sudden got tremendous. This will be reflected here. Names changed to protect the innocent and stuff.

otherguy: hi
ShagginWaggin42: hi
ShagginWaggin42: who's this?
otherguy: i am chris and just want 2 talk
ShagginWaggin42: ok
ShagginWaggin42: Do I know you from somewhere?
otherguy: asl
ShagginWaggin42: 15/M/New Hampshire
otherguy: no
otherguy: y
otherguy: kool
ShagginWaggin42: you?
otherguy: 14/m/co
otherguy: not bi
otherguy: !!!
otherguy: what do u like 2 do for fun
otherguy: ?
ShagginWaggin42: Not very much, I have a really boring life
ShagginWaggin42: I listen to music a lot
otherguy: what kind
otherguy: i also love music
ShagginWaggin42: Metal, my favorite bands are Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Bruce Dickinson, and some other bands...
otherguy: right now i am listning 2 drowning pool
ShagginWaggin42: I don't really know them... I've heard Bodies a few times though
otherguy: lol
otherguy: what about linkinprk
otherguy: or gorillaz
ShagginWaggin42: I don't like them very much
ShagginWaggin42: never heard of Gorrilaz
ShagginWaggin42: I like lesser known music, most of the mainstream stuff isnt very good I don't think
otherguy: u dont like linkinpark
otherguy: !!
ShagginWaggin42: Not from what I've heard
otherguy: can u name the song names
ShagginWaggin42: Crawling, and another song, I forgt what it's called. I gues sI'd need to hear more, but I don't like either of those songs
otherguy: 1 step closer
otherguy: papercut
ShagginWaggin42: yeah, that one
ShagginWaggin42: One step closer
ShagginWaggin42: I liked Crawling a little bit more, but I didn't like either of them
otherguy: u r crazy[/size
ShagginWaggin42: what other kind of music do you like?
otherguy: only hard rock,blink 182,korn,limpbizket
ShagginWaggin42: Korn is pretty good (Well... They aren't Horrible. Really. I like some of their songs...)]
ShagginWaggin42: I don't like Limp Bizkit, and I'm not sure about Blink 182
otherguy: what do u mean you r not sure
ShagginWaggin42: I like Dammit, and most of the other songs aren't good (This is an exaggeration. They REALLY SUCK.)
ShagginWaggin42: not heavy enough, and and I don't like the singer
otherguy: yup u r crazy
otherguy: lol
ShagginWaggin42: And I like more complex music, most of the popular stuff doesn't take much effort
otherguy: like...
ShagginWaggin42: If it's simple stuff, but the songs are good, I'll still like them, but most of it just isn't very talented stuff
ShagginWaggin42: Like the band Opeth (thumbs up, goofy grin)

Shit, that wasn't even that good. And I took all that time with the goofy HTML stuff... I need a life....
Hmm i wonder why you didnt tell your real opinion?
I mean, you dont even know him. If you did, then honesty is what you should be saying. Why not telling the truth? If some of your friends arent going to talk to you anymore because of your taste in music, then they dont deserve being your 'friends'. That goes out to anyone you just met on the street or whatever.
Anyways at least you werent like: Well i think Blink 182 is good! its great yes!!!

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Hey Shaggy,

What do you really expect? That type of "favorite" music is the norm these days. It cracks me up. Based on that IM, I think the other guy/girl/who knows/who cares has not broadened its music horizon yet.
Originally posted by Oyo
If I see anyone with a linkin' park hat or shirt on I mentally think "poser" as soon as I see it.
Why do you think that? I'm sure some many people honestly like Linkin Park for their music. If I saw a person like that, I might think "Boy are they oblivious to good music" but not what you said.
Originally posted by Oyo
Useful Idiot, most of the people that listen to them are posers, at least 5 out of 6, I know that not all of them are.. but most like them because it's a fad or "in".

I very much doubt that. I'd say most ppl like them cause they have catchy songs. No one in their right mind would listen to certain music for the sole purpose of being cool or cause it's "in". Well maybe some, but not 5 out of 6.
Originally posted by Silhouette

I very much doubt that. I'd say most ppl like them cause they have catchy songs. No one in their right mind would listen to certain music for the sole purpose of being cool or cause it's "in". Well maybe some, but not 5 out of 6.

I'd say that's 9 out of ten.

But hey, that's just me...

-Villain (np: The Black League - "Sanguinary Blues" - have I ever told you how great a song this is?)
Originally posted by Silhouette
I very much doubt that. I'd say most ppl like them cause they have catchy songs. No one in their right mind would listen to certain music for the sole purpose of being cool or cause it's "in". Well maybe some, but not 5 out of 6.

Well, you don't live in America. The rest of the world doesn't seem to be plagued with the pop-culture society that America has. I guess because America has no historical culture, pop culture rules EVERYTHING. Here, it is VERY likely that people listen to something because it's "in" -- or more to the point, because it's fed to them by MTV and radio, and therefore all their friends listen to it, etc, etc.
:lol: I bet it is some 45 year old perv jerking off as you speak to him. -Foxdvd. :lol: That explains the enlarged font after a few lines. You must have been saying something right! :rolleyes:

OK, enough.

[/b]Here, it is VERY likely that people listen to something because it's "in" -- or more to the point, because it's fed to them by MTV and radio, and therefore all their friends listen to it, etc, etc. -Lina

I just wanted to say, I second that. If there's 3 people and 2 say Lincoln Park rules...unless that 3rd person knows Opeth :grin: They will damn near ADOPT Lincoln Park as their own. It's sickening, but true.


"This is forgivness so I know."
One thing I don't understand:
If there are so many of these "posers", how do bands like Linkin Park sell so many damn CDs? Do all of these people actually buy the CDs just to be with the "in" crowd? That's pretty sick, but I guess it's possible. Would the CD they buy get any use if they weren't in it for the music?
I always laugh when I see some guys driving down the street and they are playing some Linkin Park then after the driver drops off his friends and drives by me again and all of a sudden there is a rap cd playing. I doubt he even likes Linkin Park but his friends do so he acts like he really likes it.
Linkin Park, rap, it's all the same. What I mean is, the people he dropped off probably like rap too. Let me guess, he was a white boy wearing baggy jeans and a visor? Shocking!!!!!
Dude Lina settle down! :) Actually I have no clue if his friends listen to rap. They all wear Slipknot, Metallica, t-shirts. I have never seen them listening to rap (even though you are right about linkin park and all that crap being the same as rap) and I was not saying it was shocking at all I was just saying it is quite funny.