Conversation with my mom earlier today :)

I'm new here... so none of you know who the fuck I am... so, uh, hi.

Anyways, my mom likes a lot of my music... my dad is just ignorant and figures anything I listen to is crap (he's a racist too, go figure) but my mom likes a lot of Tool... most of AEnima and the whole Lateralus album except for The Grudge and Ticks and Leeches (she even thought Faaip de Oiad was cool), and I played her some Damnation a while ago and she liked that, she liked The Leper Affinity, and a little bit of Arch Enemy too. But she still listens to Aaron Neville and Gordon Lightfoot... *sigh* ...can't teach an old dog new tricks.
my mom hates everything i listen to, i put in Damnation and she didnt say she liked it but didnt say she didnt like it.

my dad on the other hand like a few bands i listen to, he likes alot of music including Opeth, Dream Theater, Moonsorrow and Green Carnation