The Mom of The Su...

Reverend Su

May 28, 2006
ok, so my mom calls me today and said "i LOVE the ProgPower video for next year!" and i was all "um....what?! are you speaking a language that your only daughter can understand?"

she laughs and proceeds to tell me the story:

she was on the phone with her counterparts in Australia the other day (she works the Asia-Pacific lines for AT&T) and they got to talking about music and she mentioned "my daughter is involved with ProgPower USA and she LOVES it."

one of the dudes (Lance) was rather shocked that my mom (60 year old grandmother that she is ;)) and asked her a bunch of questions - she pulled up the website and streamed the video for them - they were amazed! Lance said "wait - i know some of these bands" and mentioned that he was going to have to look into it...and perhaps buy his tickets to come check it out

just had to share, since i was totally amused by my mom pimping out the fest - a fest she has never been to, and - when she sees pictures of her only daughter - shakes her head at the antics that occur.

my mom is metal :rock::rock::rock:
(she can dig on some Freak Kitchen and Pagan's to get her into DSO, Sabaton and OL :) she also knows some classic Metallica stuff, as well as the hair bands :))

hope this gives everyone a giggle

Reverend Su
Your mom owns. I wanna meet an old woman who listens to technical death metal or something, then my mind will be totally blown.
Sweet! At least my mom was cool enough to buy me cds with the parental advisory stickers when I was kid.
Your mom owns. I wanna meet an old woman who listens to technical death metal or something, then my mind will be totally blown.

The unstoppable Mema, the 80 year old Metalhead and ProgPowerUSA regular.


rock! I think my mom would have a shot at liking DSO, but any other PPUSA band would be too much for her. She likes Frankie Valle and the Four Seasons. :)
ok, so my mom calls me today and said "i LOVE the ProgPower video for next year!" and i was all "um....what?! are you speaking a language that your only daughter can understand?"

she laughs and proceeds to tell me the story:

she was on the phone with her counterparts in Australia the other day (she works the Asia-Pacific lines for AT&T) and they got to talking about music and she mentioned "my daughter is involved with ProgPower USA and she LOVES it."

one of the dudes (Lance) was rather shocked that my mom (60 year old grandmother that she is ;)) and asked her a bunch of questions - she pulled up the website and streamed the video for them - they were amazed! Lance said "wait - i know some of these bands" and mentioned that he was going to have to look into it...and perhaps buy his tickets to come check it out

just had to share, since i was totally amused by my mom pimping out the fest - a fest she has never been to, and - when she sees pictures of her only daughter - shakes her head at the antics that occur.

my mom is metal :rock::rock::rock:
(she can dig on some Freak Kitchen and Pagan's to get her into DSO, Sabaton and OL :) she also knows some classic Metallica stuff, as well as the hair bands :))

hope this gives everyone a giggle

Reverend Su

Lets get her down to the Granada for a few beers with the masses :lol:
Su, your mom is only 60? She's younger than my mom!

My mom enjoys metal. She's even gone out and bought some Sonata Arctica and HammerFall without any prompting from me, simply because she wanted to listen to it in the car when I wasn't around. It's hard to raid your daughter's CD collection when that collection is not easily available. :D
Su, your mom is only 60? She's younger than my mom!

My mom enjoys metal. She's even gone out and bought some Sonata Arctica and HammerFall without any prompting from me, simply because she wanted to listen to it in the car when I wasn't around. It's hard to raid your daughter's CD collection when that collection is not easily available. :D

yeah - my mom ran into the same issue with "borrowing" - i live in the Atlanta area, and she in in Lexington Kentucky...kinda difficult to raid the tunes ;)
just had to share, since i was totally amused by my mom pimping out the fest - a fest she has never been to, and - when she sees pictures of her only daughter - shakes her head at the antics that occur.

:kickass: To that one. My mom refuses to even look at the pictures anymore... And I refuse to look at her pictures when she was hanging at Jimi's House. (And yes as in Hendrix) ;)
