Dream Theater - an album too far?

What do you think?

  • Octavarium is t3h Pwn493

    Votes: 17 26.2%
  • An album too far!!!

    Votes: 33 50.8%
  • I never liked DT

    Votes: 15 23.1%

  • Total voters

April Etheral

Scottish Metalhead
I've noticed a lot of negativity towards DT on this forum since i joined a few months back and i just though i'd ask if its because of the more recent albums that people dislike them or if they just despise all their music

Personally i think Octavarium was an album too far, maybe an acceptable album for a shitty band like Blink 182 to record but not for a band i used to hold a lot of respect for
I detest most of the songs especially all of the horrible nu metal hooks which have become more and more commonplace in their music since SDOIT

So what do you think?
An album too far... That's a good way to describe it. I personally think Octavarium is alright, from what I heard, and their newer material sounded fantastic at Gigantour. But something tells me that Dream Theater kind of had their time already. Images and Words, Awake, Scenes From a Memory... That's authentic Dream Theater. Lately it's just been hard to adjust to them. So I don't vote, because I'm still not sure what to make of it.
I like most of their stuff up until Scenes From a Memory (which I really like a lot). The albums after that, just don't seem to hold my interest for very long. They're not bad, but not as interesting to me.
opeth_353 said:
Definitely.. TOT was a step in the wrong direction.. their newer albums are average at best.. Scenes and F.I.A are just bootyfull!
I dont like Octavarium at all. TOT owns.
I've never liked DT. I used to have a bunch of their albums sitting on my HD but none of them ever caught my interest and I just couldn't escape the feeling that most of their stuff sounds either lifeless, cheesy or both. Their singer is also terrible.
I think that most of the people who still like DT are people who heard them before they got really involved with metal. I can see people who are really used to death and black metal not liking them at all.
An album too far?? Maybe. Personally, I like 6º. I think there are a couple of good tracks on Octavarium but nothing great, a lot of it seems kinda 'stale' to me. if I wanna listen to Dream Theater I tend to turn to their other albums. If they release another album I can't imagine it being anything spectacular either - Then they'd definitely be going too far.

But then again, sometimes bands can surprise you (just not often)
The Baying Of The Leper said:
I think there are a couple of good tracks on Octavarium but nothing great, a lot of it seems kinda 'stale' to me.
Pretty much how i feel, except i think the whole album is stale .. TOT and Octavarium are t3h suXX0rz.
i don't think octavarium was great but to me it wasn't an album too far. i still enjoy the cheesy stuff so i guess it doesn't really bother me all that much.
I own every album except for Octavarium, apparently. I never knew that. I used to be a big fan.. have always hated LaBrie's voice though.. but yeah, I haven't heard anything from Octavarium, and I liked Train of Thought.
I think that D.T make terrible noise, I won't even call it music. Friends have given me an album or so to try and make me like it, but I can't stand it...