Cool Bands.....

I got a Kalmah cd off one of my friends and it sound like nothing but a cheap Children of Bodom ripoff,minus the talented musicians. It's still not the worst thing I have ever heard but,it's listenable at the least.
Originally posted by warwick
we (d-t)

The above wording makes one wonder, if this Warwick is a member of the band or a poor poser. The ever-vigilant DT-encyclopedist, Villain, has decided to find out Warwick's true identity.

"Heed me, thou who callest thyself as Warwick! If thou answereth ye question to follow right, I shall proclaim thee as a true and glamorous member of Dank Turquillity! Thy spirit shall be praised and a feast shall be held for your glory; thou shalt never feel hunger nor thirst anymore. But beware! Were thou to fail in this mighty quest, thou shalt forever be banished from herein and spitted upon whenever seen!

Arest thou ready and prepared for thy infernal task? Of course thou arest.

Ye question be voiced: Of all ye glorious brethren gathered herein, who alone hast the courage to claim the glorious title of ye DT-orthopedist?

A fortnight shall thee be given time this question to answer. Choose thee words well."

-Villain (ye grande DT-encyclopedist)