cool site ( includes our fav band saxon )


Oct 19, 2003
Visit site
For those who have not seen this site its called go into music section type in saxon some of the stuff on there has stuff sent in by someone under the name of saxon.

But theres also stuff on there by our fav band check it out.
:rock: Saxon747 is right this site needs to be checked out!!!!!

Memento Mori hooked me up to this site when I was looking for some old Saxon videos. This site is so awesome. I have seen old rainbow videos that i havent seen since the 80s as well as stuff like Sabbaths Trashed video which i probally only saw maybe once back in 82 or 83. They have Rainbow 70s videos with Cozy Powell and RJD, as well as a lot of Michael Schenker solo and Ufo stuff. Theres some great MSG videos that i never knew excisted.

One in particular has Gary Barden singing the Graham Bonnet song Dancer which must be super rare. Metal fans especially a lot of us older guys who havent seen these in years (some maybe never) will love this site.

As for Saxon Theres a great nostalgia clip of them doing wheels of Steel form a tv show. I love nostalgia shit the most cause it brings me back to my youth and this site really does it:rock: