Lionheart Rules - NewThread


Nov 19, 2002
New Jersey USA
My neighbors are the only ones who will hate this album.
I just got back from Vintage Vinyl in Woodbridge NJ (USA).
The store owner must be a Saxon fan because there were 5 copies on the shelf and five more on the counter. Some band called "The Used" were doing an instore signing. Lots of 15 year olds in denim and leather. Sheeh! Remember us? Now we're 40 year olds in denim and leather. Our kids are buying "The Used" and I'm alone in the metal section flipping through Saxon albums.

By the way, OD Saxon was on their shelf with the "Its Alive" CD, but only one copy compared to the five Lionhearts.

Go Saxon
Go Biff
Come to America!
Amen brother!

I had to order the CD and should have it tomorrow (not only do I live in the US, but in Kentucky....hows that for a Saxon fan?)

Consider yourself lucky to be able to go out and find Saxon in stores, the best luck I have is if I find some of their albums used.
Got them all !! Lionheart i thought was weak at first but after a about 8xs listening to it it really rocks best track for me is........................... yes it could be...................... yes English man'o'war of course.
I LOVE the record!

I'm a new Saxon fan, have only been "into them" for over one month now.
This is a GREAT record!

As is "KIlling Ground". Both are tied for my fav Saxon, along with "Strong Arm".

I still cant believe that I've been into metal for 20 years, have all of the classics, and have only just NOW discovered this great band!!!!!!!:rock:
Don't worry, SoundMaster - I got into Saxon pretty late on and could not believe what I had been missing all those years!
If you have been into the band for only a month, you have a great time of discovery in front of you! You are goin' to have a ball!
Mveneck - Tell me about feeling old! Whenever I pop into the office, I tell the office girls of my adventures. Of course, this means I tell them about the bands I can't wait to see or about to see. All I get is blank expressions when I mention the bands!
And to top it all, me and my Bro went for a drink today in a pub that had some music channel on the TV - MTV or something like it. I did not have a clue who these modern artists were, and could not relate to the noise they created at all! The only one I recognised was Robbie Williams!!
Thanks for the comfort, Crusader747 - I can't agree with you more.

I love the stuff I'm into and I would never, ever change that! I kind of feel sorry for the kids of today, because the music they listen to is all about image and not passion. And music is all about self-expression which is emotive. They're missing out on the best bit of loving music!

I must admit, the R 'n B stuff gets on my tits! I mean, it ain't proper R 'n B. To me it just sounds like someone whinging and moaning, you know?
What really pisses me off is all the rehearsed dancing! Where the hell does that come from? The performers don't even look comfortabel doing it, because they are so concerned with getting their steps right instead of miming the lyics in the right sequence! Not exactly expressive, and pretty embarrasing to watch!
Indeed! Proper r 'n' b is surely rhythm and blues - the Rolling Stones, the Yardbirds, Dr Feelgood etc - not all this bump 'n' grind nonsense.
I'm so with you, guys, and it's good to read these last comments. My thoughts exactly. So much crap out there, all the same...

Lionheart is one hell of an album! For me their best so far, not a weak track on it. Not one! Not many albums like that even among any classics...Have loved them since Crusader, still this album amazes me! F***king brilliant!
Saxon is just the greatest band there is and ever have been.

Can't wait to see them in a few weeks. Going down to Gothenburg to see them and then see them again here in Stockholm the day after. Taken the whole week off of work. Gonna have one hell of a time!
Saxon..Saxon..Saxon.. She's got whe......els whe.......els of steel talkin bout my wheels of steel. Never surrender when yours backs against the wall!!!!