Cool Soundtracks

River's Edge.

(Yes, I'm showing my age.)

"The things I do for my fucking friends, man."
Fight Club
A Clockwork Orange (the re-release from about 10 years ago with the REAL soundtrack by Wendy (Walter) Carlos)
Minority Report
Judgment Night
Once Upon A Time In The West
The Thing
Escape From New York
Star Wars Episodes 4, 5, and 6
Repo Man
Blade Runner
Heavy Metal
Wild At Heart
North By Northwest
Conan The Barbarian
THX 1138
The Last Temptation Of Christ
^Nice list! Conan wins. Magnolia has a great soundtrack, as do all the Paul Thomas Anderson films. Good call on Blade runner, Vangelis dominates. I remember when I first heard the "Walter Carlos" soundtrack of Clockwork Orange and then later buying it and the artist was listed as Wendy Carlos, it wasn't until later that I realized he or in this case now she had a sex change. Hence the artist confusion on my part haha. Another good call with North by northwest, heaps of the ost's of Hitchcock movies dominate.
Just thought of another, the Garden state soundtrack. I just watched the film again the other day and had forgotten how good it is, its got Nick Drake, Iron & Wine, The Shins, Zero 7, Simon and Garfunkel and Coldplay. While I don't love all of those, they are good songs from all, but you could have picked any Iron, Drake, Shins or S & G and it would have owned.
The only soundtrack that I can think of is from the Command and Conquer franchise. Frank Klepacki is awsome and I think this is the only electronic music that I really enjoy. Plus he does rock out on some songs like on "Hell March".
2001: A Space Odyssey
The Shining
(basically any Kubrick film)
Pi (creepy techno-ish stuff)
In the Mouth of Madness (not the best movie, but John Carpenter repeatedly demonstrates his ability to make the simplest melody sound like a theme from Satan)
The Neverending Story (sentimental favorite!)