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What sucks is the VHS tapes of Beavis & Butthead that you can buy don't include the parts where they watch MTV (THE BEST FUCKING PART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

If the DVD's don't show Beavis & Butthead watching videos, then FUCKING BOYCOTT!!!!!

What really sucks ass is I had a box full of VHS tapes of Beavis & Butthead. I was gonna turn them into MPEGs.
The box is MIA. I have no clue where those tapes are.:cry: :cry: :cry:
I had almost every episode in that box. I even had a few episodes where Beavis said this forbidden word:
Originally posted by Thra:rofl:ude
What sucks is the VHS tapes of Beavis & Butthead that you can buy don't include the parts where they watch MTV (THE BEST FUCKING PART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

If the DVD's don't show Beavis & Butthead watching videos, then FUCKING BOYCOTT!!!!!

What really sucks ass is I had a box full of VHS tapes of Beavis & Butthead. I was gonna turn them into MPEGs.
The box is MIA. I have no clue where those tapes are.:cry: :cry: :cry:

From what I've heard the DVD's do include all the Beavis & Butthead episodes uncut! Meaning we should get them the way they were made originally! :D

*This should include all the video watching, saying of the word "Fire", and so forth!


If I buy them soon, which I plan on doing I'll let you know what they look like!

I also had a shitload of the episodes on tape. No idea where they are now. My friend and I actually watched quite a few "Moronathons" AND cut out commercials (the more episodes you watch in a row, the more you can actually feel your brain turning to mush LOL), but I have no idea where they are either.

And Office Space kicked ass.