Coolest BATTLE scenes

Braveheart's scenes (I've seen the film bloody 12 times and I've never noticed the mentioned watches and shoes).
Saving Private Ryan - D-Day
Two Towers - Battle of Helm's Deep
Return of the King - The final battle (I hope and trust)
And Neon Nights has a point there, Talvisota has great battle scenes too.
Of course! I just watched Last of the Mohicans again last night! Easy 10 movie!!!

The massive battle between the remnants of the british forces leaving fort william henry and the hurons in the forested valley.......just brilliant and epic. The part where you see the hurons coming out of the woods on either side, with rifle smoke starting to puff away in ever increasing numbers (and with the distant *POP!*) and then they replying shots from the flanked british column....eventually leading the scene to be covered in just looks so well done, it looks like a scene from a painting by Thomas Cole.

And of course the rapid battle where Chinchagua (or whatever his name is) absolutely slaughters Magua at the end.
Either anything from the Lord of the Rings series, or anything from Jet Li and Jackie Chan... specifically in Fist OF Legend, the fight between Jet Li and the General
See the fighting scene in "The crimson rivers" (french movie with Jean Reno) and tell me you didn't love it.