Cops hour!


Nov 11, 2002
San Francisco
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There are cops circling my condo complex telling people to surrender, and come out with their hands up. This has been going on for 20 minutes.

This place is not in the best part of town, but it's not in the worst either. I've never really had something happen where it totally jarred my feeling of security. In my own damned house none the less.

There are cops circling my condo complex telling people to surrender, and come out with their hands up. This has been going on for 20 minutes.

This place is not in the best part of town, but it's not in the worst either. I've never really had something happen where it totally jarred my feeling of security. In my own damned house none the less.


Whatever you do, don't let 'em take you without a fight!
...they really tell people to come out with their hands up? Wild.

My dad's a retired state police officer. I guess I should have asked him if they did things like that. Then I wouldn't be so clueless now. :lol:

But in all seriousness, that's pretty darned rattling, nailz. I hope they catch whoever they are aiming to catch. Keep us updated, would you?
Thanks for the thoughts :) ... seems the chopper left about 10 minutes after I posted. No idea still what the hell it was all about, and didn't hear anything about any wild incidents or anything. Still might be sleeping a little lighter tonight, and checking my car a little more thougherally in the AM.

Too bad this place is too small for a Mastiff.
When I was still in high school, we had a fugitive hiding in my neighbor's garage across the street. Early in the morning, the cops stormed in, flushed him out, chased him on foot across the street, up my driveway, through my back yard, and arrested him in my garden.

I was the only one who slept through the whole thing. Missed all the fun.
...they really tell people to come out with their hands up? Wild.

My dad's a retired state police officer. I guess I should have asked him if they did things like that. Then I wouldn't be so clueless now. :lol:

So when this goes to court, the cops can testify that they gave the perp to resolve this easily. So when the ass kicking comes, they can show the perp had it coming. I love that shit!!