copy guitar track and slide it...


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
how much should i slide?
I messed with a bit but i think i was getting some phase issues when i moved around is that why it gets thin sounding right phase??

I just never seemed to get it to sound quite right and maybe I'm sliding not enough or to much :goggly:
copy & pasting a track is not going to give the same results gained by double-tracking in the first place...whether you "slide the track" or not. By the "C&P" approach you lose all the subtle rhythmic and harmonic variances you gain by having two or more very tight, but still varied tracks. By the time you fight those tracks in the mix wondering why it doesn't sound as "big" or "thick" as you'd like, you'd have probably spent less time if you'd double tracked it in the first place.
oh i agree with the double track it and when im serious i always do but im just laying down some riff ideas to show the guys and just wanted it to sound a bit bigger and not have to double track!!!
surely it only takes 10mins (if that) to chuck on a quick double...

...if not super quick method to make riffs sound bigger when making riff tapes...... record 2 cycles of the riff eg....

guit track: (A dun dun der dun de de der)(B dun dun der dun de de der)

then chop it in 2 and do this and hard pan 'em

guit track1: (A dun dun der dun de de der)(B dun dun der dun de de der)
guit track2: (B dun dun der dun de de der)(A dun dun der dun de de der)

bigger sounding riffs in 10 sec's flat

hope that helps man.

YO. C.
surely it only takes 10mins (if that) to chuck on a quick double...

...if not super quick method to make riffs sound bigger when making riff tapes...... record 2 cycles of the riff eg....

guit track: (A dun dun der dun de de der)(B dun dun der dun de de der)

then chop it in 2 and do this and hard pan 'em

guit track1: (A dun dun der dun de de der)(B dun dun der dun de de der)
guit track2: (B dun dun der dun de de der)(A dun dun der dun de de der)

bigger sounding riffs in 10 sec's flat

hope that helps man.

YO. C.

Yea, that's what I do all the time, too! Good advice, man! :rock:
Yeah double tracking... or like carl explained
When you just copy and slide, there is too much correlation between the two tracks so it would simply sound like a delay 100% wet (and it's technically the same) which sucks imo,
while if you mix two different takes it combines well and gives a wall of sound hehe