Copy mixer setting for album in Logic 8


Jan 27, 2008
Hi guys,

I have this arranging problem.
I recorded an album (10 songs) in 10 different project that all have the same tracks (exept the vocal tracks).

I have mixed a song, and want the rest to have the same sound in their individual parts. Which means the drums should sound the same for all the tracks, so the guitars, the bass etc.
I copied the channel strip settings to the other projects, and tried the audio configuration copying thing, but it takes too much time to compare and makes it difficult to make the album sound solid and continuous.

So how do you guys deal with album recording/mixing in Logic 8?
Having a single project for all songs was out of question at the beginning because of the editing requirements. How do you deal with a full length album in L8?

Do all your editing, then bounce the files.

Then have your 'template' mix, save that, copy it 10 times, without the audio. If the audio is all tracked the same (same volume levels, etc.), then just import the new audio, put it into the right tracks, do some automation and you're done.
you can save/load project template or save/load individual channel strip settings. you can import all songs in to one project also.
in the mixer window, copy audio configuration.

new project - paste audio configuration.

If you use channel strips, and a lot of saved pre-sets sometimes it can use more memory than required with just the normal plugins with the same settings (for some reason!).
I usually just save channel strip settings, then reload them (each track will have different tracks and such, since some have more guitar solo`s and vox ect. so i couldnt recall all mixer settings)
I usually end up changing them though, cause each song will need different treatment, depending on the tempo and the key the song is in and what is going on as far as automation and how many tracks im working with.

something like bass, you can get away with using the same setting throughout the album, snares and guitars are a different story.

after listening to randy staubs productions, I noticed his snares sound a bit different on every tune as well.
Do you have a good computer ? I never tried this way, I just wonder if I could, the day I would need it.

From what I've noticed, it's not really that different to doing it over multiple sessions. I maybe wrong though.
And what about mastering?

Should I do the mastering process in each project on the master bus (limiters, eq's etc) or just bounce the projects and apply all plugins from a new project that contains the mixes?

Having the same settings on each project, it seems to me that I get differences in loudness between the songs. So I get I should master each one differently and not with the same settings.

i usually do the copy and paste from the mixer window, although alot of times it usually makes more work in the end for me (sometimes if busses and auxes dont match perfectly from session to session) now i just save presets, or keep my most mixed song open, and copy and paste channelstrip/buss settings using expose (i squeeze my mighty mouse)

ive found that putting everything in the same session to be wierd... i kinda felt like i was cheating, or doing that kinda as a bandaid for the fact that i suck at mixing consistantly :) glad to hear other people do the same though

i x2 about making a "mixed" template, then adjusting as needed

I have a MacBook Pro with intel 2,4 dual core. 4gb ram HD with 250gb and 7200rpm.
I had never problems with that.

I master everything in a new project after importing the bounces (44.1 24bit-same definition I record in)